If you dream of a pallbearer then you will have to watch your temper as someone will try to provoke you to violence. If you see them carrying a coffin this will indicate that you will lose your job through your own obnoxious behavior. This dream is a warning to change. (read all at source)
Pallbearer-symbolic of death and mortality, Eccl. 12:5 NLT
Palm reading-symbolic of witchcraft, Lev. 20:6
Palm tree-symbolic of peace or a person, Song. 7:8. Palm trees are also symbolic of flourishing, Ps. 92:12... (read all at source)
To see a pallbearer in your dream, denotes that you have to keep your temper in check for someone is trying to push your buttons. To see a pallbearer carrying a coffin in your dream, signifies change, whether it is a change in jobs or a change in social status. (read all at source)
Pallbearer. A rise in status is forecast by a dream of being a pallbearer.
Panda. This lovable Chinese bear in your dream is telling you that, if you'll just stop feeding your worries, they'll go away. (read all at source)
If you dream of a pallbearer then you will have to watch your temper as someone will try to provoke you... Continue dream interpretation - Pallbearer"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Pallet... (read all at source)
labiodental, labiovelar, laconic, lamenter, laryngeal, lateral, lifeless, lingual, liquid, manner of articulation, metronome, modification, monochord, monophthong, morphophoneme, mourner, muffle, muffler, mum, music stand, muzzle, nasal, nonconscious, nonliving, occlusive, palatal, pallbearer,... (read all at source)