Overall dream meaning

The overall mood of the dream is important because this represents how you feel about the problem that the common dream is drawing to your attention. In addition, the state of the weather, the season and the temperature can all represent your emotional state of mind. (read all at source)

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Dreaming that you are wearing overalls, represents your sloppy attitudes and incoherent thoughts. (read all at source)

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It has a dual meaning, and carrying the solar and lunar symbolism, personification of both good and evil. (read all at source)

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Overall a positive month. All will go well in life, will take a long trip and will receive unexpected good news.
To dream of September means good luck, changes for the better. Desires and hopes will be accomplished. (read all at source)

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Overall, dreaming of oak is symbolic of the strength and wisdom of the cosmos on earth and available to those who will listen. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are wearing overalls, represents your sloppy attitudes and incoherent thoughts.
Owl... (read all at source)

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Overall the dream portrays this rather complex thought process "I want to make a complaint against her. I think she will get the sack so she will be really mad. (read all at source)

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Rope, overall, is indicative of strength and one's ability to use basic materials to our advantage. However, if we are tied up by rope it implies we are being held back, obstructed, trapped or ensnared.
Additional Dream Interpretation... (read all at source)

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But our overall direction of dreams is an attempt toward growth and wholeness, not easily achieved because of the fears we inject into out dreams.
Deepening Dream Understanding
Comments... (read all at source)

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Overall, you can think of a house in your dream as representing you or your life in the larger context. (read all at source)

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At the very least, they are likely adding to your overall sense of fear and lack of control. You might be best dealing with these issues in a spiritual way. If you have ever meditated, you can repeat to yourself something soothing in order to enter a state of relaxation. (read all at source)

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The health, size and overall quality of the tree is indicative of how you feel about yourself. This interpretation is to be made only when the tree is the focal point of the dream. Also, consider whether the tree is alive with leaves, flowers or fruit, or if it's barren. (read all at source)

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The computer is saying "put the pieces together to understand the overall meaning." Also, if you use a computer a lot during your waking life for work or play, your dream could be telling you to get outside more and take a break from the screen. (read all at source)

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A dream in which an abbey is depicted reveals your overall state of happiness and complacency. It represents the spiritual, serenity, freedom from stress and worries and the certainty of assistance. (read all at source)

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Ripe, sweet dates refer to satisfying partner relationships and overall satisfaction and surprising luck in love. He felt the need that a different person takes in an unusual measure of his. They remain inaccessible to the dreamer, he's yearning for spiritual and physical balance. (read all at source)

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When you are chased by a wild animal like a wild reptile, the overall feeling in the dream is often fear, worry, feeling caught, perhaps pushed around with not many options about where to go. (read all at source)

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To dream of a sunny day, signifies pleasantness and an overall improvement to your current situation. To dream of a gloomy or cloudy day, signifies loss and lacklustre success in business.
To dream that the day breaks, signifies success in your projects and endeavours. (read all at source)

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Better yet, what would your animal want you to write? Feel pure, think wide. And remember, the overall goal of this website is to inspire; keep your statements noble.
Extra cool (add a picture if you want) [ ? ]
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If you dream that you are undressing that will denote a possible rift with a loved one due to scandalous behavior. To see someone else undressed is an overall ill omen that brings bad luck in love and money. (read all at source)

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This dream is worth serious consideration as how we feel about our bodies is often a significant part of how we feel about ourselves overall as a person. If you are having recurring dreams of personal ugliness, then counseling for self-esteem or eating disorders may be worth considering. (read all at source)

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A dream with a jury implies that you are experiencing a situation in your life where you disagree with an overall decision or that your feelings or opinions differ to ..Read more →
JUSTICE ... (read all at source)

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25. Water is the source of all life. It represents conscious life experiences. These are our everyday, physical, waking interactions, situations, and circumstances that arise and bring opportunity for growth and enrichment. Water can also represent emotions and feelings overall.
source... (read all at source)

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Teeth dreams esp with falling out portends to a loss either financially, family member whether by sickness or death, upper teeth are male members, lower teeth female members, with the closest to the incisors closer members of the family i.e. parents, siblings or children. Not a good dream overall,... (read all at source)

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If you are in the backseat of the car, then it indicates that you are putting yourself down and are allowing others to take over. This may be a result of low self-esteem or low self-confidence. Overall,... (read all at source)

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It could be something entirely different such as being on the threshold of a new sense or an extension of Self. It depends on the entire context of the dream. Back or Front Porch? Screened-in or open? Messy or neat? Sparse or furnished? All these details add to the overall symbolism. (read all at source)

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I think the central message is that we don't need to be so determined to separate good emotions from those we perceive as bad ones. Awareness and acceptance of all my emotions will transform and heal my body, as well as give me a greater sense of overall mastery in my emotional life. (read all at source)

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The story of the dream you describe is beyond my capabilities as no book can be so specific. If you wish me to I shall look up the meanings of the words you suggest, but it would be up to you to work out the meaning of the dream overall, especially the "without skin" part. (read all at source)

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For a woman to dream that she sees a man wearing over-alls, she will be deceived as to the real character of her lover. If a wife, she will be deceived in her husband's frequent absence, and the real cause will create suspicions of his fidelity.
Find more dreams containing 'overalls'... (read all at source)

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Overall, the dream seems to be pointing out that, even though others would like your company, sometimes you have to make a choice. You can't watch all the competitions at once, and you chose to watch Tyler's. (read all at source)

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