Omnibus dreams by DreamMean
To dream that you are being drawn through the streets in an omnibus, foretells misunderstandings with friends, and unwise promises will be made by you. See Carriage.
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Omnibus dreams by DreamMean
To dream that you are being drawn through the streets in an omnibus, foretells misunderstandings with friends, and unwise promises will be made by you. See Carriage.
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming that you are being drawn through the streets in an omnibus, foretells misunderstandings with friends, and unwise promises will be made by you. See Carriage.. (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Baby Carriages, Omnibus
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Share Your experience on dreaming about Carriage symbol. (read all at source)
manifest, marred, matter-of-fact, mead, meadows and pastures, mean, mean sea level, mere, Mickey Mouse, modest, monolithic, moor, moorland, moors, mundane, muted, naive, natural, neat, nonclerical, nondescript, nothing to it, noticeable, observable, obvious, of a piece, offhand, offhanded, omnibus,... (read all at source)