Oilcloth dreams by DreamMean
To dream of oilcloth is a warning that you will meet coldness and treachery.
To deal in it, denotes uncertain speculations.
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Oilcloth dreams by DreamMean
To dream of oilcloth is a warning that you will meet coldness and treachery.
To deal in it, denotes uncertain speculations.
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming of oilcloth is a warning that you will meet coldness and treachery. To deal in it, denotes uncertain speculations.. (read all at source)
list, llama hair, loden, longcloth, luster, mackinaw, mackintosh, madras, maline, Manila, manta, mantua, marquisette, mat, matting, melton, merino, messaline, mohair, moire, moleskin, mousseline de soie, murrey, muslin, nainsook, nankeen, near-silk, net, netting, nylon, oakum, oil silk, oilcloth,... (read all at source)