observe when you are observing] in a dream you are watching a part of yourself; feeling disconnected; possibly precognitive; may be a warning dream. What are you not noticing in your waking life that is prominent in your dream? (read all at source)
The importance of a dream symbol is often linked to the type of emotions that we feel in connection with that symbol. For instance, an "observing" dream may link to the types of situations and emotions you feel. (read all at source)
Francais:Observer la neutralit�
Espanol:Observe neutralidad
Portugues:Observar a neutralidade
Italiano: Osservare la neutralit� (read all at source)
In general: In dreams, the dreamer often seen as an observer. It is reasonable in everyday life to observe a situation or person first, before proceeding to action. But the dreamer in all of this may even remember watching the action. (read all at source)
observer. In most dreams our 'I' goes through a series of experiences just as we do in waking life, seeing things through our physical eyes, touching with our hands, and so on. But occasionally we watch our own body and other people as if from a detached point of bodiless awareness. (read all at source)
Observe this regal creature in its natural habitat. Gorillas are vastly sociable, and have intricate methods of communication with each other. Furthermore, there is a great deal of honor involved with their interactions with each other. (read all at source)
To observe a motorcycle riding in the countryside means you should progress forward in life. This is connected to what is going on inside your own mind in the context of simply cultivating opportunities rather than acting upon them. (read all at source)
To observe, give or see the equipment for an enema signifies an unhappy or unfortunate short-lived affair which will prove to... Continue dream interpretation - Enema"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Enemy... (read all at source)
To observe a house or building that is on fire forecasts an urgent appeal for help from a close friend or relative.
You can expect an exciting romantic adventure if you built a fire or stirred one up with a poker. (read all at source)
Did you observe or have the feeling that the aggressor knew you or that you were somehow connected with them?
After these considerations are elaborated, turn inquiry to the specific crime and the implications of it.
Free Sample Readings... (read all at source)
We often observe matters of dress and exterior appearance through mirrors, and we soon make the necessary alterations to put our bodies in harmony with existing formalities. (read all at source)
If yeast is observed in a dream, it is a very positive and productive sign.
To see yeast in a dream represents ideas, circumstances, experiences, and knowledge that have the capacity to change a person's current life situation in a productive and positive way. (read all at source)
A dream where you observe an actor performing implies that you need to take more responsibility for your actions. If you are the actor in the dream then this implies ..Read more →
ADDICT / ADDICTION ... (read all at source)
Also, are you a pilot, part of the crew, a passenger, or observer? If you are piloting the plane - you are in control and are the one with direction and know how. You are utilizing a higher power to get to your goal. If you are a part of the crew, you support the pilot, and care take the passengers. (read all at source)
Observe in which department your dream is set- it may give you important clues to the nature of your problem. You may need some rest or may be trying to recover from a psychological wound that requires inner healing. Or perhaps the dream has a warning about your physical health? (read all at source)
Recently i observed change of behaviour in my wife, i don't think she is cheating on me, but the dream which bothers me the most.
Three weeks back i had this dream .I enter the room, i see three or four couple on bed , busy making love. (read all at source)
When Einstein penetrated the secrets of the molecular world, he remarked: “Nature does not distinguish between mass and energy but observes them to be one and the same.' He also revealed how our idea of space and time being distinct was incorrect: they are interwoven. (read all at source)
(Maqam Ibrahim, arb.) One who stands at the Station of Abraham at the Sacred Mosque in Mecca and offers his prayers in a dream is a pious person who observes the divine laws and who may be invited to perform a pilgrimage. (read all at source)
Tony Crisp (in his Dream Dictionary) observes that women sometimes dream of threatening men dressed in blue - dark blue or navy. Such a dream should motivate the dreamer to get in touch with her animus (the masculine side of her own psyche). (read all at source)
Craig continues to say that renown psychologist Carl Jung observed that portions of our whole personality are frequently projected outward in dreams, taking the form of aggressors, devils, monsters, intimidating animals or natural events (such as tidal waves, fires, earthquakes and so on). (read all at source)
If you observe freakish sights, then it denotes that there is a lack of harmony in your domestic life. Much sorrow will arise in what were thought to be pleasant times. To dream that you are on a carnival ride, suggests that you are going in circles. It may also symbolize cheap thrills. (read all at source)
If you ever observed a rooster in a hen house you would notice that they are very aggressive, demanding, and territorial. This dream may be pointing to these characteristics inside of you or others. (read all at source)
Examining the matter represented by the object being observed (such as to clarify the facts, or one's own thoughts, opinions, or feelings about the matter)
Observing or studying
A perceived breach of privacy or attempt to intrude into a private or secret matter... (read all at source)
If you observe freakish sights, there is a lack of harmony in your family life. To dream that you are on a ride at the circus, or are riding an animal, suggests that you are going in circles in your life. It may also symbolize cheap thrills. (read all at source)
A dream about an eye has to do with your ability to observe things around you. If you have a dream about an eye, you may need to pay more attention to your surroundings and to the people around you. (read all at source)
Observe how the characters relate to you and how they may represent an aspect of yourself. You may be taking on a new role. Dreaming that you are laughing and/or applauding in a theater indicates that you tend to choose pleasure and instant gratification over working on future goals. (read all at source)
I have always been amazed at the way an ordinary observer lends so much more credence and attaches so much more importance to waking events than to those occurring in dreams.... Man...is above all the plaything of his memory.
See also: Rack , Madstone , Cakes , United States Mail Box , Kid... (read all at source)
archetypes: Carl Jung used this word to express something that he observed in human nature in terms of common themes in dreams. He perceived it as something in the psyche not personally created, but more a genetic bequeathment as in something from the collective unconscious. (read all at source)
To observe others being embarrassed in your dream is a warning against repeating gossip. Escalator Dreams about escalators represent changes in your lifestyle or romantic status. Going down an escalator is a common metaphor for entering into deeper levels of awareness. (read all at source)
Being watched can represent a feeling of self-consciousness, an awareness or fear of being observed by others, or a heightened concern about others' opinions or motives somehow in your life.
see also: watching school telescope or microscope
categories: Activities Events Conditions... (read all at source)
Nearly universal, sleep is observed in all mammals, all birds, and many reptiles, amphibians, and fish, though the variation in amount of sleep is staggering. (read all at source)
The cabbage plant, the snail, the overstuffed chair, etc. can all be portrayed by players. The dreamer is to play himself in the dream play (if he/she was an observer in his dream, then he/she will play the observer in the reenactment). (read all at source)
Prerequisites before performing Lalkitab remedies: Any remedy of Lal Kitab can be started at any time. However it must be observed continuously for 43 days after starting once. (read all at source)
To dream that you are idling similarly connotes low energy level, boredom and passiveness in what you wish to do.
To observe idling people in your dream symbolizes your likelihood to waste time and your tendency to exhaust energy on mindless acts that does not add up to your goals. (read all at source)
For a young woman to possess one, foretells she will observe modesty and kindness in her deportment, and thus win the love of others and better her fortune.
Cruelty... (read all at source)
Movement. Images. Virtual reality. There is something that you wish to observe.
Worship. Sanctuary. Soul. Looking for inner peace. (read all at source)
Or simply strangers coming together, to observe something unusual. To answer your dream you must ask yourself as many questions as you can about the crowd and how you felt. (read all at source)
To kiss one, foretells that trouble will be accepted by you with resignation.
For a young woman to possess one, foretells she will observe modesty and kindness in her deportment, and therefore win the love of others and better her fortune. (read all at source)
Note the color of the vehicle, if it is a car, what is the make and model? Observe who is driving it. Do you know the person? Is it someone from your past? If the driver is faceless, this may refer to a person who will appear sometime in your future or that the Holy Spirit is your driving guide. (read all at source)
To dream that you are the subject of calumny, denotes that your interests will suffer at the hands of evil-minded gossips. For a young woman, it warns her to be careful of her conduct, as her movements are being critically observed by persons who claim to be her friends.
Calves... (read all at source)
Perhaps you are living vicariously through the actions of others. Consider also how the movie parallels to situations in your waking life. Observe how the characters relate to you and how they may represent an aspect of yourself. (read all at source)