Nursing dreams by DreamMean
For a woman to dream of nursing her baby, denotes pleasant employment.
For a young woman to dream of nursing a baby, foretells that she will occupy positions of honor and trust.
For a man to dream of seeing his wife nurse their baby, denotes harmony in his pursuits.
Crying babies in a dream may foretell of ill health or minor disappointments in your personal life while a bright, clean baby speaks of a wonderful love affair or even the making of many new friends. A nursing baby can mean contentment or even deception when taken in relation to other symbols in... (read all at source)
For a young woman to dream of nursing a baby, foretells that she will occupy positions of honor and trust.
Nursing... (read all at source)
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Nursing-symbolic of caring for new Christians or nurturing a new thing in your life, 1 Thess. 2:7
Nuts-symbolic of the blessing of God and the best of the land, Gen. 43:11... (read all at source)
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
For a woman dreaming of nursing her baby, denotes pleasant employment. For a young woman dreaming of nursing a baby, foretells that she will occupy positions of honor and trust. (read all at source)
For a woman to dream that she is nursing her baby, symbolizes pleasantness and joy. For a man to dream that he sees his wife nursing their baby, denotes harmony in his pursuits. *Please see also Breast Feeding. (read all at source)
Nursing in a dream may show that you have been showing great sympathy towards someone. Your help and support has made them feel better about themselves. If you can make life a little happier then your experience of life is much healthier.
EXAMPLE DREAMS... (read all at source)
To see someone nursing or dream that you are nursing, suggests that you are nurturing a hidden aspect of yourself.
*Please see also Breast Feeding. (read all at source)
See Nursing.
Ten Thousand Dreams Interpreted, or "What's in a dream": a scientific and practical exposition; By Gustavus Hindman, 1910. For the open domain e-text see: Guttenberg Project
See also: Valley , Karma , False awakening , Jaws , Quail... (read all at source)
[215] See Nursing.
To dream that you are suffocating, denotes that you will experience
deep sorrow and mortification at the conduct of some one you love.
You should be careful of your health after this dream. (read all at source)
To dream of someone nursing a baby or doing so yourself, asks you to provide the correct nurturing environment to develop a new aspect of yourself. (read all at source)
i was on a night shift that time during my hospital exposure (nursing practice) 3pm - 11pm. and so i came home late evry night. the first time it happend, i opend my eyes a bit and saw a silhouette of a man on top of me. (read all at source)
Then she started nursing/breastfeeding the black kittens. I felt better and I kind of made sure they were nursing in peace.
Big events in my life currently: few months ago my wife and I fought. She called the police. Got a restraining order against me. (read all at source)
Who’s nursing whom back to health in your dream? Is it an act of love, or does it look/feel like an overwhelming chore? A couple of important questions to ask when you dream of a nurse are: “What needs to be healed in my own life? And “How do I go about doing it? (read all at source)
In his book The Dreaming Mind, Robert van de Castle describes research he did on the subject of menstruation and dreams, with the help of nursing students in Miami. He found that the dreams changed their character with the different phases of the menstrual cycle. (read all at source)
school assignment, school bell, school board, school bus, school crossing, school day, school dictionary, school newspaper, school of dentistry, school of law, school of medicine, school of music, school of nursing, school of thought, school paper, school phobia, school principal, school ship,... (read all at source)
Dreaming that you are asleep suggests a need or wish for healing; to relive the infantile nursing situation; for magic to be at work; for a better waking than usual. (read all at source)
A milked cow is a fertile cow capable of nursing, which is why it is close to fertility and childbirth. Is someone in your life expecting or trying to conceive? It may be a sign of complete success. (read all at source)
Psalms 8:2 Out of the mouth of babies and nursing infants have you ordained strength because of your enemies, that you might silence the enemy and the avenger.(GMR)
Speaking of passing on the blessing:... (read all at source)
nurse needing care and attention; possible medical concerns; getting well; nursing old wounds; feeding a baby. How can you take better care of yourself?
nut the centre of the issue; the beginning of a new project; a hard nut to crack. Who has been acting nutty? (read all at source)
To see the young taking suckle, denotes contentment and favorable conditions for success is unfolding to you. See Nursing.
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suffocating... (read all at source)
Baby Dream Meaning Surprisingly most old dream books believe that dreaming of babies has nothing to do with prophecies of pregnancy. For example, if a woman dreams she is nursing a baby she will be deceived by someone she trusts.
What do Baby Dreams Mean?
Summary... (read all at source)
Walking alone, it is a sure sign of independence and a total ignoring of smaller spirits. If a woman dream she is nursing a baby, she will be deceived by the one she trusts most. It is a bad sign to dream that you take your baby if sick with fever. You will have many sorrows of mind. (read all at source)
A bright, clean baby, denotes love requited, and many warm friends. Walking alone, it is a sure sign of independence and a total ignoring of smaller spirits. If a woman dream she is nursing a baby, she will be deceived by the one she trusts most. (read all at source)
If so, dreaming of a boxing match could indicate that it's not going to get any better and you need to take steps to end it.
2. A boxer with a lot of injuries foreshadows a lot of ideas that are going to need further research and revisions. If the boxer is a woman, you're nursing a lot of emotional... (read all at source)
It is one of the changes that happens when you become a senior citizen, losing the ability to care for yourself. You loose your teeth, and now eating becomes more difficult. It may be a part of a general deterioration that leads to loss of freedom and confinement to a nursing home. (read all at source)
A dream of a nurse suggests you are being healed or are in need of healing. It also implies a desire to be pampered or nursed. The dream could relate to a relationship or a project that you are nursing along.
oak... (read all at source)
Dream "A nursing mother"
Dream Interpretation Miller
To dream of a nursing mother - means that you are in the right conditions for the realization of its opportunities. (read all at source)
If you dream of nursing a baby, you will be deceived by the one you trust the most.
If you dream that you forgot you had a baby, you are trying hide your own vulnerabilities. You do not want to let others know of your weaknesses. (read all at source)