Nurse dream meaning

Nurse dreams by DreamMean
To dream that a nurse is retained in your home, foretells distressing illness, or unlucky visiting among friends.

To see a nurse leaving your house, omens good health in the family.

For a young woman to dream that she is a nurse, denotes that she will gain the esteem of people, through her self-sacrifice. If she parts from a patient, she will yield to the persuasion of deceit.

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Nurse-a nurse symbolizes caring and helping, Lk.10:34. If you dream of being a nurse it can symbolize your expert role in being used by God to assist someone
Nursing-symbolic of caring for new Christians or nurturing a new thing in your life, 1 Thess. 2:7... (read all at source)

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A nurse or caretaker helping you can mean you feel you need some healing or nurturing right now.
See also: staying with someone babysitter breastfeeding
Category(s): People... (read all at source)

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Nurse, Doctor
People, Characters - Dream Dictionary
A caretaker looking after the helpless or ailing aspect of you; a healer, and therefore, a need for healing; a source of nourishment. (read all at source)

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A dream of a nurse suggests you are being healed or are in need of healing. It also implies a desire to be pampered or nursed. The dream could relate to a relationship or a project that you are nursing along.
oak... (read all at source)

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Try to relate the dream numbers to your real life and see where they match. Alternatively, if you are worried about money in real life, dreams of numbers can be a reflection of this. Nurse Dreams featuring nurses are positive and suggest the end of a difficult time or specific problem in real... (read all at source)

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The nurse is a unique figure in medical personnel dreams because of the romance attached to the helping professions.
Sometimes nurses are even portrayed as angels. Aside from the romantic component, nurses often functions as extras in other medical or sickness dreams.
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Usually nurses are more representative of their mothers, who were supposed to nurture and care for them. When a man dreams of a nurse they are hoping to get some level of care and happiness which will cushion them through a hard time. (read all at source)

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To see a nurse leaving your house, omens good health in the family.
For a young woman to dream that she is a nurse, denotes that she will gain the esteem of people, through her self-sacrifice. If she parts from a patient, she will yield to the persuasion of deceit. (read all at source)

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Quick Decode: Comfort; support; recovery
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)

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Wet nurse
General Meanings:
Wish for a child For younger woman the dream of a wet nurse appears in the dream as a desire to have a child. Dream of a wet nurse who suckles a child, this announces that the project or work you do will develop successfully. (read all at source)

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Wet Nurse
Dream Dictionary
To dream that you are a wet nurse, denotes that you will be widowed or have the care of the aged, or little children. (read all at source)

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A nursery is for a child, and you're unable to play or make use of the nursery. That makes sense for Alice, who acts very grown up for her age. (read all at source)

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Example dream : A dream where there is only one nurse looking after lots of babies was caused by the dreamers worries about starting a new training course in a nursery. The one nurse represented her and all the neglected babies represented her fears that she would not be able to manage... (read all at source)

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American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming that a nurse is retained in your home, foretells distressing illness, or unlucky visiting among friends. To see a nurse leaving your house, omens good health in the family. (read all at source)

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Dream interpretation - Nursery
If your dream featured children of walking age upward, its augury is one of happiness in domestic affairs and/or business interests,... Continue dream interpretation - Nursery"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Nursing... (read all at source)

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To dream that you are a nurse, denotes that you will gain the esteem of people, through your self-sacrifice.
To see a nurse in your dream, foretells illness, distress, misfortune or injury. (read all at source)

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nurse needing care and attention; possible medical concerns; getting well; nursing old wounds; feeding a baby. How can you take better care of yourself?
nut the centre of the issue; the beginning of a new project; a hard nut to crack. Who has been acting nutty? (read all at source)

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To dream that you are a nurse, signifies that you will gain the high regards of others. To see a nurse in your dream, denotes that you need to be taken care of and a time of healing, either mentally, physically or spiritually. (read all at source)

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The nurse can symbolize a need to retreat or rejuvenate. As an Archetype, this character is the part of the Self that ensures balance so that we can achieve longevity. (read all at source)

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Nurse. A dream featuring a professional nurse signifies marriage for the single and family unity for the married unless you a trained nurse or in daily contact with them, in which case the dream has no prophetic significance. (read all at source)

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Wet Nurse
To dream that you are a wet nurse, denotes that you will be widowed or have the care of the aged, or little children.
Wet Nurse... (read all at source)

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Wet Nurse
To dream that you are a wet nurse, denotes that you will be widowed or have the care of the aged, or little children.
For a woman to dream that she is a wet nurse, signifies that she will depend on her own labors for sustenance. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are a nurse, suggests that you need to show more compassion in a situation.
To see a nurse in your dream, denotes that you need to be taken care of and a time of healing, either mentally, physically or spiritually. (read all at source)

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see also: nurse
categories: People
What Does Your Dream Mean?
About Dream Symbols... (read all at source)

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The nurse there immediately sees the severity of the wounds and offers to drive us herself in an ambulance parked nearby. (read all at source)

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a snake bit on his hand between his thumb n pointer finger i handed my son to my hubby to rush him to the hospital when all of sudden a green snake appeared and started attacking me but i managed to find a shovel and chopped his body into 3 pieces then when we got the hospital i rush to the nurse... (read all at source)

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No discussion of this type can overlook the presence of Mother Goose in nursery rhyme and collective myth. Geese are notorious for protecting their younglings and can be vicious if they feel their brood is in danger. These creatures show strong familial bonds with their entire clan. (read all at source)

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See also related symbols: Dance, January, Baking, Asparagus, White Lead, Carrot, Furnace, Ashes, Bladder, Ladle, Music, Hives, Idiot, Disgrace, Mare, Jolly, Offspring, Wet Nurse, Brood, Beans, Ropes, Oven, Chastise, Bees, Janitor, Estate, Rabbit, Sweeping, Hash, Oysters, Toys, Pregnancy, Shotgun,... (read all at source)

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Perhaps it indicates nursed anger or other negative feelings - if we feel parenthood a heavy load you may see your child as a burden. It can also depict resources and ability to meet changing circumstances and needs. See: knapsack.
... (read all at source)

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If you dream that a doctor or nurse takes care of your cold, you are looking for advice and guidance.
A dream that you have a cold can be a sign that you are catching a cold in real life, or a warning that you need to take better physical care of yourself. (read all at source)

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Dream Symbols: son, surgery, blood, cutting, beating up nurse.
Dream Symbols: dream is in black & white, hallway, shadows, skyscraper, door, shooting, dead, window, running, hospital, enemies, frozen, doctors, alley, car, death scream, red. (read all at source)

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Plums: If you dream of plums, it may be an indication of career enhancement or property gains. Think of the nursery rhyme Jack Horner who pulled out a plum that turned out to be title deeds. (read all at source)

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They go to the hospital when something very serious is wrong - something needing professional help to fix. The doctors and nurses at the hospital work extremely hard, 24 hours a day, to fix those wrongs and make people right again. (read all at source)

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advance, aliment, amah, apprentice, attend, attend to, ayah, baby, baby-sit, bandage, bathe, bear, bosom, break, break in, breast-feed, breed, bring up, care for, chaperon, charge nurse, cherish, cling to, clip, coddle, condition, conserve, cosset, cradle, cultivate, cure, develop, diagnose,... (read all at source)

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Dream "Nanny / Nurse"
Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)
It is a symbol of healing, caring and nurturing. (read all at source)

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