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Dream Dictionary
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Bible Dream Dictionary... (read all at source)
Movie theater - Expansion of life
Mud - Colon (more); Muddy water / river: toxins from colon are getting into the blood stream (more)
Music - Medium / Channel... (read all at source)
Movie Theater-symbolic of being assembled with people of similar interests or activities
Moving van-symbolic of relocation
Mud-if a person is covered in mud it may sym�bolize being tainted or spotted by sin, Isa. 57:20... (read all at source)
Movie Theater
To dream of a movie theater, denotes that you are attempting to protect yourself from your emotions or actions.
Museum... (read all at source)
Movie Theater
To dream that you are in a movie theater, indicates that you are attempting to protect yourself from your emotions and/or actions. Viewing them on a movie screen projects them onto another person and thus makes those feelings/actions distant . (read all at source)
Well I end up at a movie theater. At the movie theater I see a strange looking man. I walk up to him and for some reason I ask him who he was. He told me blatanly he was the reason I could not wake up. I stood there as he laughed and merely called him a dick.. (read all at source)
An actual TV, the media, or another type of media (movie theater, audio player, etc.)
Your connection or interaction with the world, people, places, experiences, etc. especially a detached interaction, since a TV allows you only a one-way, passive interaction... (read all at source)
film, cartoon, chiller, cine, cinema verite, Cinemascope, cinematograph, Cinerama, color film, creepie, documentary, documentary film, drive-in, educational film, feature, film, flick, flicker, horror picture, horse opera, kinematograph, motion picture, motion-picture show, movie, movie theater,... (read all at source)
see also: furniture TV show or movie theater
categories: Objects
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Alcohol Aliens Baby Betrayal Boy Boyfriend Bug Chase Cheating Crazy Death Eating Falling Family Fighting Fish Friend Ghosts Girl Girlfriend Hiding Hospital Hot Air Balloon Kiss Lesbian Lions Movie Theater Moving Murder Old Friends Pregnant Running School Sister Smoking Snake Stars Suicide Teeth... (read all at source)