Mess dream meaning

KEY WORDS : Mess, clear the air, bad thoughts, thinking clearly, emotional problems, sorting out... (read all at source)

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In a mess, a sticky situation. Conserved ideas. Fruits of labour. Pleasure, perhaps childhood pleasure or feelings. The sweetness of your life. (read all at source)

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Having a mess and needing a janitor indicates that you are relying on others to fix your problems for you. This is okay so long as you are not doing it too much. This can also be an indication that you need to ask someone for help and mean that you need to be open to help - more accepting. (read all at source)

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Pleasant meet if attend in a reception - In the dream you attend in some kind of reception, this shows that you may expect pleasant appointments;
Worries if a mess at a reception - There are some worries and troubles in a reception in your dreams,... (read all at source)

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A sticky or dirty mess, such as a challenge or problem
Feeling stuck, or feeling the potential to get stuck somehow in your life
See also: ground or land dirty
Category(s): Objects Conditions Places... (read all at source)

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make a pretense, make as if, make believe, make go, make light of, make like, make music, make out like, make use of, malfunction, manage, maneuver, maneuvering space, manipulate, manuscript, margin, masque, masquerade as, match, match coins, matter, meet, meet a bet, melodrama, merrymaking, mess... (read all at source)

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All I can remember is that at one point in my dream I was in an office and my work space was left a mess by others and me as well, so I volunteered to go and clean it up. The next thing I remember is that I am driving down a new freeway to take a broken work chair to a row of garbage cans. (read all at source)

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Seen in a dream the war - to the deterioration of cases, disorder and mess in the house and the relationship with relatives. To see a young girl, as if her lover goes to war means that it happen to hear unflattering comments about his character. (read all at source)

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Or do you look a mess? Dreams about clothes usually mean that you may simply need a new wardrobe? Often we wear that favourite t-shirt to death but there comes a time where we must part company and look for the next favourite t-shirt. (read all at source)

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Beautiful, well-kept hands indicate satisfaction in life, while dirty hands indicate some kind of "mess" in your life that needs to be "cleaned up."
3. Hands that are working diligently indicate success and good fortune through the dreamer's own efforts.
4. (read all at source)

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After I had finished, I realised the brother would not be comforted and then I knew I'd have to clean the mess up. So I took a bucket and scooped up as much of the urinated chaff as I could and took it outside. (read all at source)

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A dream of contrary; the meaning is the opposite of what you might think. Whatever may be worrying or confusing you... Continue dream interpretation - Mess"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Message... (read all at source)

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In other words they have given the enemy license to mess in their lives because of personal sin, generational sin or sin by association. In this situation, I do NOT close this door on the person's behalf. It is vital to remember that you cannot forgive sins that are unto death. (read all at source)

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Accidentally breaking an object can represent a feeling or fear of making a mistake or making a mess of a certain situation in real life.
see also: broken object bursting hole accident destroying throw fragment
categories: Events
What Does Your Dream Mean?
About Dream Symbols... (read all at source)

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Yarn as in wool is often seen in neat balls or in a jumbled, spaghetti-like mess. In this sense our dreams of yarn can reflect and ability, or want, to create something orderly from something chaotic. (read all at source)

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Try and mess with your daily sleep patterns and set your alarm clock back 1 hour and fall back asleep. Lucid dreaming and REM (Rapid Eye Movement) work hand in hand because we get our REM sleep hours or minutes before we wake up. (read all at source)

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Just as dark taboos are symbols, practices, or icons we do not mess with out of fear, certain positive symbols carry positive taboo power. We are secure because of the power of the symbol. (read all at source)

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towel mopping up the mess; drying out; dry up. How are you tempted to 'throw in the towel'? (read all at source)

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Arachne took the dosage hard, and could not live with the intense feelings of guilt and sorrow so she killed herself. Athena felt awful over the whole mess and decided to resurrect Arachne in the form of a spider so that she and all her offspring would forever be the best weavers of the... (read all at source)

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one of them swam at supernatural speed underwater and came up to the balcony into the lounge leaving a huge mess.i yelled to my partner who brought him out the unit. then i saw a large tsnaumi like wave approach, i ran inside with bare enough time. (read all at source)

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If the basement is a mess, and you see great disorder and clutter, it suggests that you may be experiencing confusion and that it is a very good time to sort things out emotionally and psychologically. (read all at source)

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To dream that you are changing diapers, suggests a need to clean up you behaviour and change your childish ways. Perhaps you need to change your attitude and approach regarding a new idea or project. To see dirty diapers in your dream, indicates that you need to clean the mess you have created with... (read all at source)

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To dream of a home usually points to how you feel about your life at the time of the dream. It can also refer to family life in general. Was the home in your dream cozy or a mess? Did you feel good in it? Who else was there?
homesickness... (read all at source)

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The look of the cellar may provide you with clues about your current feelings and state of contentment. If the cellar is a mess, and you see great disorder and clutter,... (read all at source)

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in my dream and I wanted to see blood and hear her scream (I have no hate toward anyone really no its not like I wanted anyone to die in real life) but 2 seconds, before she reached the top, Homer Simpson appeared beside me, and said "chopped in half" and then JUST before the presumed bloody mess,... (read all at source)

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