Mechanic dream meaning

Mechanic dreams by DreamMean
To dream of a mechanic, denotes change in your dwelling place and a more active business. Advancement in wages usually follows after seeing mechanics at work on machinery.

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To see a mechanic in your dream, foretells of a change in your residence and a promotion at your job.
To see Mercury in your dream, symbolizes alertness, awareness, reason, and versatility. You are exhibiting efficiency in your work. (read all at source)

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Category: Mechanical machines
Psychological Meaning: The dream symbol of ashtray indicates everything what is negative - attitudes and thoughts, especially on feeling of meaninglessness of life. (read all at source)

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To dream of a mechanic, interpret change in your dwelling place and a more active business. Advancement in wages usually follows after seeing mechanics at work on machinery.
Medal... (read all at source)

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Dream "Mechanic"
Modern dream interpretation
Mechanic dream to change their place of residence as well as a more active case management. If the dream of a mechanic working, doing something, so in the foreseeable future, your financial situation will be stable. (read all at source)

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technician or mechanic
Repairing, fixing, mending, re-building, healing, etc., or a person whom you feel is an expert in one of these
A desire, need, or curiosity regarding one of the above
See also: repairing healing doctor making or building machine or robot... (read all at source)

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Car Mechanic
To see or visit a mechanic in your dream suggests that you need to work on healing your past hurts. Don't take on more than you can handle in the present, until you deal with the issues in your past that are still having an effect on you.
Carnation... (read all at source)

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When you dream of a robot or ‘mechanical way of being,’ you may have the sense that you are doing things by routine without fully participating in life. Observe your patterns of behavior and routine to see if the robot can shed light on this aspect of your nature. See Machine. (read all at source)

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A mechanical fan moves air and, as such, represents spiritual guidance. It indicates clearing the air and clarifying your thinking. Fans in dreams may symbolize your need to go with the flow now and take things as they come. (read all at source)

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A brake is a mechanical safety device that uses friction to halt or slow a vehicle which is in motion. We generally don't think about our brakes until something goes wrong, and then we experience sheer panic as the system that we rely upon to keep us safe fails. (read all at source)

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Unusual machines, mechanical apparatus or an area filled with machines in a dream indicate the danger of serious psychic disturbances.
To dream that you are in a mansion which is haunted, denotes sudden misfortune in the midst of contentment. (read all at source)

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An automobile (or mechanical) jack predicts a sudden relief from a heavy burden, or an unexpected favorable change of conditions.... Continue dream interpretation - Knave"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Kneading... (read all at source)

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house physician, illuminate, instructor, intellect, intellectual, intern, juggle, lace, leech, lend a hand, lend one aid, little Miss Fixit, load, lover of wisdom, maestro, mahatma, maintenance man, man of intellect, man of wisdom, mandarin, manipulate, massage, master, mastermind, MD, mechanic,... (read all at source)

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Intricate machine: Brain or the thinking process in its mechanical habitual form. The habitual, almost mechanical fantasies we have or things we do. The word juggernaut is from Sanskrit Jaganatha, lord of the world. Devotees formerly threw themselves under a huge cart - a juggernaut - as it moved. (read all at source)

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Engines in dreams are typically centring our attention on the mechanics of matters. Such dreams might be attempting to alert us to problems and/or malfunctions in our beliefs or lives. (read all at source)

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See also related symbols: Baghavad Ghitta, Store, Purchases, Agate, Cocoa, Castor Oil, Cavalry, Oculist, Shop, Cane, Legislature, Cornmeal, Mechanic, Cotton Gin, Bridle Bits, Chameleon, Loadstone, Bar, Thorns, Strawberries, Influence, Publican, Crutches, Shoemaker, Criminal, Cunning, Squirrel,... (read all at source)

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Do you wish that things were a lot less technical and mechanical in your daily life, and a lot more personal? Is the antique in your dream valuable or an old piece of junk? Look at this in relation to how you view your own thoughts right now. (read all at source)

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Plane wrecks aren't about small dings that a mechanic has to fix. Plane wrecks are about huge national-news issues that affect many people.
What major incident in your life is causing you trouble? What large issue, that should be reliable, has gone off kilter? (read all at source)

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This would be the perfect time to schedule a vacation, and spend some quality time with your husband, neither of you worrying about the mechanics of living - but rather, concentrating on the reason for living.
Pleasant dreams,
Peregrin... (read all at source)

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Intercourse symbolizes the unified effort for the purpose of creation. Those familiar with the mechanics of visualization will understand this mental process. Visualization is a science by which consciously imaged desires are subconsciously produced becoming manifested into physical reality. (read all at source)

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machine: The automatic systems of the body that need no thought. Mechanical behaviors, or ways of thinking that you or others may have. (read all at source)

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Howe noticed at the head of each spear there was a small hole through the shaft and the up and down motion of the spears and the hole remained with him when he woke. The idea of passing the thread through the needle close to the point was a major innovation in making mechanical sewing possible. (read all at source)

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mechanical automatic and without expression; have your car or some machine checked out; learning the mechanics of something. What part of your life have you put on automatic pilot? (read all at source)

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To see a mechanic in your dream, suggests that you need to work on healing your past hurts and trauma.
Mercury... (read all at source)

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Some believe that the elevator may be a symbol of a boring and mechanical sex life. On a more pragmatic note, the elevator may simply represent the "ups and downs" of life. If you are ascending, then you may perceive your current situation as optimistic and moving upward. (read all at source)

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