Having magical powers represents the capacity to get what you want, to make your dreams come true. It may represent your own special, unique abilities; a reaction to feelings of powerlessness in waking life; a need for control; the infantile wish to get what you want without having to work for it. (read all at source)
Magic and special abilities Abnormality is related to strange things that usually has magical powers or magical abilities. Dreams related with any kind of abnormal things may indicate supernatural and mystical areas of spiritual life. (read all at source)
Magical Powers - Dream Symbols
It's very common in dreams to find that you have magical or super powers - you can run fast, fly high, breathe underwater. What do these mean? (read all at source)
Magic or magical powers
Special or important
Other-worldly strength, power, or beauty
Punishment by God, fate, karma, etc., or the way it is delivered to someone... (read all at source)
In the guise of Clark Kent, the hero is an ordinary person just like us, yet secretly he has magical powers. We are the same. We live an ordinary life, yet in the hidden world of the unconscious is the potential to become superhuman. (read all at source)
Magical Powers
One of the great things about dreams, especially lucid dreams where you are aware of dreaming and can practically control the outcome, is that you can acquire unusual powers. These may include almost any conceivable ability needed to solve the problem at hand. (read all at source)
Dream " M " Magical Powers
The interpretation of the dream "Magical Powers"
Lofa Dream Interpretation... (read all at source)
Woodpeckers were believed to have magical powers in mythology; therefore, a woodpecker can symbolize a hidden ability that you need to develop.
A dream of being wounded can mean that your feelings have been hurt in waking life. (read all at source)
Dwarves are traditionally associated with magical powers. Dreaming of a dwarf could be an extremely fortuitous sign. On the other hand, a dwarf can symbolize a stunted condition. If growth is limited in your waking life, your dream may advise pursuing an alternate path.
dying... (read all at source)
medicine a wound that needs healing; a need for a cure; feeling forced to take your medicine; sacred and special ceremonies; magical powers. How is your dream guiding you to a substance that could heal an illness? (read all at source)
Alternatively, we may want to hold on to beliefs in magical powers that will save us from ourselves. In order to be well adjusted human beings, we need to adapt to our environment and accept our limitations. (read all at source)
This dream is associated with magical powers due to the fact that beads are normally naturally sourced. It indicates that you always strive for perfection, which is a positive trait. (read all at source)
In the legend of Jack and the Beanstalk, some magic beans grow into a giant beanstalk that Jack climbs to reach a magic land. Traditionally, beans symbolize magical powers. In a dream, beans can symbolize unleashed potential. (read all at source)