Heart, circulatory system, emotions; Lug nuts: Lymph system; Wheelchair: restricting / repressing feelings
See also: Saffron , Yankee , Undress , Hairy Hands , Dancing
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:... (read all at source)
see also: lymph gland
categories: Parts of the Body
What Does Your Dream Mean?
About Dream Symbols... (read all at source)
stag, stag beetle, stag party, Stage 0 Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, stage business, stage crew, stage dancing, stage direct, stage direction, stage director, stage door, stage effect, stage fright, Stage I Adrenocortical Cancer, Stage I Anal Cancer, Stage I Bladder Cancer, Stage I Breast Cancer,... (read all at source)
I have had a lyumphoedema (dysfunction of the lymph nodes which leads to swelling) on my left leg for 7 years, and this winter my right leg started swelling on and off. I heard about acupuncture treatment, I did this treatment. (read all at source)
Lug nuts indicate your lymph system. Lug nuts keep a wheel safely on a vehicle and wheels indicate your circulatory system. In a symbolic way your lymph system does the same for your circulatory system.
Luggage... (read all at source)
The essence of your physical existence
The ability to filter out what's useful from what's not
The ability to deal with the aftermath of conflict (including taking responsibility for your part in it)... (read all at source)