To dream of a lunatic asylum - predicts the disease and the difficulty in deeds, to cope with which can only be painstaking efforts of the mind.
Dream in other languages:... (read all at source)
Dream interpretation - Lunatic
Good news is predicted if you dreamed of being insane, but if your dream featured others so afflicted, you can expect... Continue dream interpretation - Lunatic"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Lunch... (read all at source)
lunatic too much control; stiff repression; resolute, inflexible. Why are you acting so in control when you aren't fooling anybody but yourself?
lunch time to eat lightly; meet some friends for lunch. Who is 'out to lunch'? (read all at source)
in, glean, goober, goober pea, grabble, grain, great one for, groundnut, ground-pea, harebrain, harvest, hay, hayseed, head, hermit, hickory nut, hobbyist, hobo, horse chestnut, hound, idiot, infatuate, issue, kernel, kola, kola nut, kook, linseed, litchi nut, lone wolf, loner, loon, loony, lunatic,... (read all at source)
Does the moon in your dream indicate that you want to act out of character or behave like a lunatic? To dream of the moon can signify that you’re experiencing a transformational time in your life, as the moon is associated with the unconscious. How does the moon appear in your dream? (read all at source)
I am accustomed to sleep and in my dreams to imagine the same things that lunatics imagine when awake. ~ Rene Descartes, "Meditations on First Philosophy"
Dreams are excursions into the limbo of things, a semi-deliverance from the human prison. ~ Henri Amiel... (read all at source)
- A madman: surprising news that lead to a new environment;
- Lunatics see: Warns of a planned affair, also: there are signs of a distressing encounter with suffering and appeals of the poor, we should pay particular attention to his health. (read all at source)
Being crazy in a dream may represent something you have just done which is irrational. But we also say someone is crazy if they are wild. Have you just lost all your inhibitions? Have you just acted very recklessly? Have you been thinking about a wild fantasy? (read all at source)
To see a lunatic in your dream, represents an acknowledged aspect of yourself. You may feel that your opinions and suggestions don't matter or are being ignored. You feel like an outsider. (read all at source)