Lucky dream meaning

Lucky dreams by DreamMean
To dream of being lucky, is highly favorable to the dreamer. Fulfilment of wishes may be expected and pleasant duties will devolve upon you.

To the despondent, this dream forebodes an uplifting and a renewal of prosperity.

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Green is a lucky omen, symbolizing nature, good fortune, good health, and vitality. You have a desire for peace and harmony. Alternatively, green represents babyhood, materialism, jealousy, cheating or deceit.
The color maroon signifies isolation, bravery and courage. (read all at source)

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Lucky, fortunate, curious, happy, enjoying, loving, transparency, honest, trustworthy.
Naked or Nude
Hen or Chicken... (read all at source)

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Lucky Number Meanings:
What makes a number lucky? This page offers some thoughts about good luck number meaning and why each number might be lucky.
Misc. Good Luck Symbols:
Some of Bucky's (and my) favorite good luck symbols. A list of our top 8 good luck picks with explanations. (read all at source)

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lucky says:
In my dream I saw that 3 of my friends want to borrow from me. They asked me for some amount. The common thing was the amount in which 8 digit was prominent. Please help if any one can that wt will b its prediction?
Reply... (read all at source)

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It is unlucky to dream you see a cardinal in his robes. You will meet such misfortunes as will necessitate your... Continue dream interpretation - Cardinal"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Cards... (read all at source)

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Fish are lucky in dreams, representing spiritual growth and transformation. Some specific fish dream meanings:
To see fish swimming in your dream, signifies insights from your unconscious mind. (read all at source)

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seven lucky number; psychic powers; spiritual number that represents God in Hindu and Christian tradition; Neptune and music; seventh heaven is the highest level; Seven Wonders of the world; seven days in a week; Seven Deadly Sins. How are you the one in the middle, with three on each side? (read all at source)

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It is an unlucky dream to see domestic animals dying or in agony.
[As these events of good or ill approach you they naturally assume these forms of agonizing death,... (read all at source)

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If you are lucky enough to have a positive flying dream, be sure to enjoy it. If you love the feeling of flying in a dream and the freedom and exhilarating feeling that comes with it, you may want to learn more about the incubation of flying dreams.
Resources... (read all at source)

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If you were lucky enough to dream of glorious feast of Easter or related chores, rest assured, this dream is favorable, it gives you hope to recover the physical and moral resurrection literally, to overcome the inertia of sight.
Dream interpretation of Simon the Zealot... (read all at source)

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This is an unlucky dream. It denotes accumulation of debts, unhappy unions and death of loved ones.
To dream of gold coins denotes prosperity and pleasure derived form sight-seeing and Ocean voyages. (read all at source)

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This is a very lucky dream indeed. It gives promise of a happy and well advanced life to the tradesman, rapid accumulation of wealth, fame to literary and artistic people, and a safe voyage through the turbulent sea of love is promised to all lovers. (read all at source)

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This dream is unlucky. You will, if you are a farmer, see your crops blasted and your cattle lean and unhealthy. To business men it means debts whose accumulation they are powerless to avoid. To the young it denotes unhappy unions and death of loved ones. (read all at source)

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Continue reading lucky charms
Remedies of Lal Kitab for malefic planets... (read all at source)

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So, we truly are lucky to have such nightmares, since they provide a natural 'pressure-release' therapy for the psyche, and especially since they may even provide what amounts to an early cure if we listen to,... (read all at source)

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The horseshoe is a lucky symbol and, traditionally, if it is turned upwards it represents the moon and protection from evil.
When turned downwards it is thought that power will drain out of the horseshoe, bringing you bad luck. (read all at source)

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They were lucky that things did not turn out worse.
Example dream : A nightmare dream seemed to be triggered by the dreamer being scared the night before whilst watching a hard hitting documentary about gangs. This really touched a nerve with her. (read all at source)

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I feel lucky that i have this abelity and i didnt even have to to try. i tryed once to have a lucd dream but doing what i read on line like tilling my self like i will lookat my watch,etc that didnt work . and last night i tryed to have a lucid dream by reading ur answer but that didnt work. (read all at source)

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laceration, lack, lacuna, languish, lapse, lateral circuit, law of averages, lay off, layoff, leak, leakage, leave, leg, lesion, let go, let out, letup, liberation, lick into shape, lift, light, lighten, liquidate, litter, live circuit, look-in, loop, lord it over, lot, lower, lowering, luck, lucky... (read all at source)

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But have hope - your dream is a positive omen that you will someday leave your home for a better place and you will be lucky in life and finance. Map To dream of following a map means you are going in the right direction in a real life situation. (read all at source)

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If you see and talk with your father, some unlucky transaction is about to be made by you. Be careful how you enter into contracts, enemies are around you. Men and women are warned to look to their reputations after this dream. (read all at source)

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Did you feel lucky when the numbers appeared or did you feel uncertain? (read all at source)

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Some people are not that lucky, they wake up and don't remember the slightest detail about there dreams. The good news is that its possible to remember your dreams and the symbols when you wake up from following a few step. Learning how to remember your dream symbols just takes a bit of practice. (read all at source)

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Since ancient times, the fish has been associated with the idea of ‘trapping fate’ or a lucky break. You may dream of a fish when everything seems to be going your way. (read all at source)

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To see and talk with your dead father in your dream, signifies that you are about to enter into an unlucky transaction or rotten deal. Thoroughly think through your decisions before entering into them. (read all at source)

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Smoking a cigarette in your dream is a lucky omen, as well as, giving, or offering them to another. This dream denotes much prosperity and self-satisfaction for the dreamer. (read all at source)

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Your will be immensely lucky if you dreamed of anything to do with acorns or the tree which bears them. They predict the successful outcome of any problems you may now have and prosperity and good fortune in all your plans for the future. To eat them indicate authority and fame forthcoming. (read all at source)

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Spiders are often thought of as lucky and a climbing spider may mean success. A spider spinning a web could be spinning money for you. An exception is dreaming of a black widow spider or a tarantula - especially if it bites you. (read all at source)

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You'll be lucky if you dreamed of cobwebs in an acceptable place such as a wine cellar, attic etc; but if they were where they shouldn't be, for example on clothes, furniture, or books, they predict difficulties through secretly hostile competition; however, if you brushed them away,... (read all at source)

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A camp of tents symbolizes a lucky choice of profession or place of residence. A military camp symbolizes luck in business. A camp can also symbolize loneliness, that you need a new environment or more freedom. (read all at source)

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To dream of counting money, you will be lucky and always able to pay your debts; but to count out money to another person, you will meet with loss of some kind. Such will be the case, also, in counting other things. If for yourself, good; if for others, usually bad luck will attend you.
Country... (read all at source)

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If the woods appear green, the change will be lucky. If stripped of verdure, it will prove calamitous. To see woods on fire, denotes that your plans will reach satisfactory maturity. Prosperity will beam with favor upon you. (read all at source)

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If you can't pay your rent, it is unlucky for you, as you will see a falling
off in trade, and social pleasures will be of little benefit.
To be under sentence in a dream and receive a reprieve, foretells that you
will overcome some difficulty which is causing you anxiety. (read all at source)

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Nurse To dream that a nurse is retained in your home, foretells distressing illness, or unlucky visiting among friends. To see a nurse leaving your house, omens good health in the family. (read all at source)

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1. Receiving a gift can mean either a lucky break or a betrayal - a warning of "Greeks bearing gifts" - depending on the circumstances and/or other symbols in the dream.
2. Giving a gift, however, is always a symbol of happy times ahead.
Girl... (read all at source)

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Being attacked or injured while on a path can mean you're feeling vulnerable or unlucky in life, or are afraid such things happening.
See also: crossroads traveling, driving, or walking trip or vacation following a procedure following a path map or directions specific direction... (read all at source)

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To dream of working on an ouija board, foretells the miscarriage of plans and unlucky partnerships.
To fail to work, one is ominous of complications, caused by substituting pleasure for business.
If it writes fluently, you may expect fortunate results from some well-planned enterprise. (read all at source)

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To cut yourself with one denotes that you will be unlucky in some deal which you are about to make.
Fighting with a razor foretells disappointing business, and that some one will keep you harassed almost beyond endurance.
A broken or rusty one brings unavoidable distress. (read all at source)

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To see a swimming infant, signifies a lucky escape from some entanglement.
To dream that you have an infection, represents minor problems and annoyances. (read all at source)

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A game, a risk or gamble, leaving something to chance, feeling luck or unlucky, recreation or fun.
see also: risking or gambling
categories: Objects Activities
What Does Your Dream Mean?
About Dream Symbols... (read all at source)

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In old dream interpretation books, birds are considered lucky omens (except for blackbirds, which are generally negative). Doves and eagles are generally spiritual symbols. (read all at source)

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A dove in a dream is always a lucky symbol meaning peace, affection, love, and prosperity. Notice where the dove goes. Is this the direction of your heart's true desire?
dragon... (read all at source)

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Often, the more you think about it after waking the more you wonder what was so funny. It may seem that there wasn't anything worth laughing for at all to your waking mind or, if you're lucky, it may still be funny and you may find yourself wondering at the dream all day, or even longer. (read all at source)

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Dreams often record some worst possible scenario. Sometimes we reflect over how things could have been. Maybe your child nearly got run over the day before. We soon forget these little things yet we need to remind ourselves how lucky we were. (read all at source)

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Scissors: To dream of scissors is an unlucky omen; wives will be jealousand distrustful of their husbands, and sweethearts will quarreland nag each other into crimination and recrimination.
Dulness will overcast business horizons. (read all at source)

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