Category: Liquid
Cold water
Meanings of cold water in dreambooks: Generally Dreaming about drinking cold water has a good meaning. The dreamer lives in harmony with the needs of his body and he is paying enough attention to his health. (read all at source)
liquid flowing freely; easily turned into cash; clear and bright; inner truth. What new thoughts and feelings are pouring forth now?
liquor high spirits; changing your mental state. Who do you know who drinks too much? (read all at source)
Flow - Up and Down
Down flow and up flow are often shown in dreams when people are working on improving their inner life. There are two flows of energy in our being; the upflow is released potential from our physical body. (read all at source)
If a liquid is evaporating in a dream, it can be a message that you have the ability to change yourself for the better. (read all at source)
see also: liquid drain waiting canal pipe
What Does Your Dream Mean?
About Dream Symbols... (read all at source)
Funneling liquid from one container to another refers to moving emotions, perhaps between you and someone else. You may be picking up the emotions of someone close to you or vice versa. Some people have this dream when their bladders are full in real life.
fur... (read all at source)
Sediment-the liquid remnants considered worthless. Sym�bolic of being undisturbed, Jer. 48:11
Seeds-children, the word of God, or an investment, Ps. 89:4
Seizure-an epileptic seizure may symbolize demonic oppression in someone's life, Matt. 17:15-18... (read all at source)
Allocation (people. Liquids) - see. Additionally toilet.
Dream in other languages:... (read all at source)
Sheep in a dream also signify joy, happiness, festivities, a wife, children, a farmland, properties, prosperity or wealth, and particularly when one pays the due alms tax on his money making ventures and liquid assets. Owning a herd of sheep in a dream represents a growing wealth. (read all at source)
ham, ham it up, handle, harness, heavy cream, hitch, humor, hydraulics, hydrogeology, ichor, ill-use, impose upon, impoverish, ivory, juice, lachryma, lactation, lacteal, lacteous, lactescent, lactic, lactiferous, latex, let, let blood, let out, leukorrhea, light cream, lighten one of, lily, liquid,... (read all at source)
Chinese refer to it as "liquid silver" and it corresponds to the dragon and to bodily fluids of blood, semen, water and, at times, to the kidneys. The planet Mercury may be seen as following the Sun (universal father; consciousness; life) and the Moon (universal mother; birth; unconscious). (read all at source)
An aerosol consists of a misty liquid that you spray into the air. In dreams, water often represents the emotions so spraying an aerosol in a dream can signify freeing repressed emotions. Spraying an aerosol into the air can symbolize a desire to reach a higher, spiritual level. (read all at source)
If you dream of jugs well filled with transparent liquids, your welfare is being considered by more than yourself. Many true friends will unite to please and profit you. If the jugs are empty, your conduct will estrange you from friends and station. (read all at source)
Michael and I sat down to a meal of cold bread soaked and dripping with cold liquid butter, it was absolutely nauseating. It got later and later and Tom still hadn't arrived. I walked into a different room of the pub, and there was someone sitting in the corner with a jumper and clothes like Toms. (read all at source)
Float on water or another liquid.
Execute a particular stroke when swimming.
You are swimming.
You are drowning while swimming.
Swimming in the sea.
Swimming in running water, such as a river.
Swimming in clear water.
Swimming in a sea with big waves.
Swimming in turbid and agitated water. (read all at source)
Bottles are good to dream of if well filled with transparent liquid. You will overcome all obstacles in affairs of the heart, prosperous engagements will ensue. If empty, coming trouble will envelop you in meshes of sinister design, from which you will be forced to use strategy to disengage yourself. (read all at source)
First, glass is a transparent liquid. Yes, glass is a liquid! It just flows very slowly. If you look at a very old window in a colonial house, the lower part will be thicker than the upper part. (read all at source)
To take, or hold one, against others, is ominous of adequate wealth to liquidate your obligations.
To find yourself reading or examining mortgages, interpret great possibilities before you of love or gain.
To lose a mortgage, if it cannot be found again, implies loss and worry. (read all at source)
Dreaming of bottles is good if it is fully filled with liquid and is transparent.
Bread symbolizes 'the staff of life', and also spiritual invigoration. Bread always assumes a positive significance in dreams. (read all at source)
Bottles: Bottles are good to dream of if well filled with transparent liquid.
You will overcome all obstacles in affairs of the heart,prosperous engagements will ensue. (read all at source)
As the only common metal liquid at ordinary temperatures, Mercury was highly interesting to alchemists, as it easily fused with other metals. Alchemical Mercury is the "essence," salt is the "body," and sulfur is the "oil" clinging to Mercury. See full page on Mercury symbolism here. (read all at source)
Consider the kind of food and the action you are taking with respect to it, are you eating it, feeding someone, being fed, preparing or serving a mean?. Is this typical waking behavior, or is it expressing a deficiency or need? Liquids, milk, soft or mushy [.]... (read all at source)
Liquid can have many different meanings, depending on context:
Ability to adapt or accommodate, as a liquid takes on the shape of its container
Pervasiveness or ability to have far reaching effects, as a liquid naturally spreads into its surroundings... (read all at source)
Liquids are usually associated with feelings, sexuality and emotions. The container and the issues surrounding the liquid will shed light on how you are currently expressing these feelings. See Cup and Glass.
Little... (read all at source)