Lighting dream meaning

Dream "Lighting"
English Dream Book
To dream of a bright light - it is an omen of a joyful event that is already on the verge of! In general, this dream has always said about luck: in love to fulfill your wishes; for the family - it's a sign of successful birth of a child. You have no lover? (read all at source)

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Lighting candles with a match or lighter can represent spreading good will, love, or understanding.
See also: destroying illumination (light) spiritual Light fire
Category(s): Objects... (read all at source)

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Flood lighting :
You desire that all details about a certain thing shall be known. If it goes away you will not get to know everything. See light. (read all at source)

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Lighting a candle in a dream can represent an attempt to enlighten yourself about something - to obtain more clarity about something in real life that has been confusing you or that you do not understand very well. (read all at source)

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Lighting a candle is symbolic of asking for something that one may need.
To dream of a cane is symbolic of punishment. To dream of being caned can be associated with childhood trauma. (read all at source)

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Highlighting or drawing attention to something
Defining, outlining, or limiting something
Finishing, embellishing, or adding detail to something
see also: landscape or scenery artwork photograph limit or boundary
categories: Objects... (read all at source)

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match lighting a fire; something equal; a game or contest; a perfect pair. How or where are you looking for the right match?
math something doesn't add up; divide and conquer; a situation multiplying; take a good measure; get the right quantity. What do you need to subtract from your life? (read all at source)

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To dream of lighting wax tapers, interpret that some pleasing occurrence will bring you into association with friends long absent.
To blow them out, signals disappointing times, and sickness will forestall expected opportunities of meeting distinguished friends.
Way... (read all at source)

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A dream about lighting candles symbolizes your intellect, enlightenment, awareness or the search for truth.
To dream of putting out candles means you have solved a real life problem. (read all at source)

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Lighting can be electrical circuitry or neurological, while water problems can be vascular or reflect ‘plumbing.’ Water appearing as a threat is usually associated with emotional issues. (read all at source)

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A bonfire.
You are lighting a bonfire.
Putting off a bonfire.
Positive changes are afoot if... (read all at source)

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abstract, abstraction, accomplishments, acquisition of knowledge, acquisitions, acrylic painting, adjunct, adornment, allegorization, altarpiece, arc lighting, arrangement, attainments, awareness, black and white, block print, brightness, catechization, chiaroscuro, clarification, coaching, collage,... (read all at source)

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n was like uhh n then she noticed me n was like uhh sorry n ran to the couch n hid under a blanket so i continued into the kitchen n tried to look for the paper towels but i couldn't find em it was too dark so i turned on the light above the sink but it was dim n didn't help much with lighting up... (read all at source)

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Synchronize your own heart beat with that of the eagle's - visualize each pulse as a flash of lighting - an impulse of divine thought.
Picture the power of the gods clapping like thunder with each flap of their wings. (read all at source)

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For most people the Christmas tree is connected with the idea of celebration, so it symbolizes the dream of highlighting a specific time period. Maybe he quit but also a new beginning. In addition, the Christmas tree represents a time for giving, or the ability to appreciate a gift. (read all at source)

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A Bunsen burner, being a flame source, is about your heart and emotions. If the dream is highlighting a physical problem with the burner, it is about your physical heart otherwise the dream is focusing on your emotions and is most likely asking you to be more openly expressive.
Burger King... (read all at source)

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Daniel @ 2012-01-18 22:47:42
I had a dream that there was a celebration and people were lighting fireworks and that all of the sudden a little boy started burning. When i woke up i thought of my grandson.
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To see soft or shadowy lighting in your dreams, might indicate feelings and thoughts from the primal aspects, or less developed parts of your unconscious. (read all at source)

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To see a lit fireplace in your dream, symbolizes contentment, warmth, and comfort. To dream of lighting or stirring a fireplace, suggests a burning a desire or your need to get to the heart of a matter/situation. To see an unlit fireplace, is indicative of low energy, disinterest, or disheartenment. (read all at source)

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KEY WORDS :something is important to you, a special person, loud and noisy, childish behaviour, make a priority, something needs highlighting, a cause, misbehaving Try to think of ways in which these key words have relevance to your day to day life. (read all at source)

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To dream of lighting or stirring a fireplace, suggests a burning a desire or your need to get to the heart of a matter/situation.
To see an unlit fireplace, is indicative of low energy, disinterest, or disheartenment.
Fireplace Damper... (read all at source)

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If she is lighting a candle, she will meet her lover clandestinely because of parental objections. To see a candle wasting in a draught, enemies are circulating detrimental reports about you. To snuff a candle, portends sorowful[sic] news. Friends are dead or in distressful straits. (read all at source)

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For a maiden to dream that she is molding candles, denotes that she will have an unexpected offer of marriage and a pleasant visit to distant relatives. If she is lighting a candle, she will meet her lover clandestinely because of parental objections.
Candles... (read all at source)

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A furnace usually relates to security in your life and relationships. Lighting a furnace might refer to new love and the possibility of the relationship growing in intimacy. An unlit furnace can mean you fear you will be unable to provide the necessary fuel to accomplish your goals in life. (read all at source)

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If you cannot feel that, it may be because you have strict rules or beliefs about what love is. Love in nature does not have rules, but is like sunlight, lighting everyone. (read all at source)

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These dreams may recur daily, once a week, or once a month. Whatever the frequency, there is little variation in the dream content itself. Such dreams may be highlighting a personal weakness, fear, or your inability to cope with something in your life - past or present. ... (read all at source)

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games such as solitaire, indicate the dreamer's tendency for self-direction where excelling or enjoyment is a significant motive. Interactive games, like chess, indicate the dreamer's tendency toward challenge where competition is a significant motive. In either case, the dream is highlighting the... (read all at source)

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