Lighthouse dreams by DreamMean
If you see a lighthouse through a storm, difficulties and grief will assail you, but they will disperse before prosperity and happiness.
To see a lighthouse from a placid sea, denotes calm joys and congenial friends.
Seeing a lighthouse in your dream means that you are seeking guidance during your times of hardships and turmoil.. (read all at source)
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lighthouse.html... (read all at source)
To dream of a lighthouse represents your spiritual development, especially if the lighthouse is surrounded by the sea. This dream usually indicates how you are will deal with information going forward. In that it is important to you to gain knowledge in order to make wise decisions going forward. (read all at source)
Lighthouse, which appeared in your dream, indicates that you are in danger. The closer you have seen him, and it is brighter than the light, the real and serious threat and closer. (read all at source)
Lighthouse-symbolic of direction in times of trouble
Lightning-symbolic of supernatural power, Ezek. 1:14
Lightning eyes-symbolic of a supernatural being... (read all at source)
To see a lighthouse, indicates emotion and spirituality. You may be seeking guidance and advise.
Mall... (read all at source)
As a building that provides a sense of direction to boats moving across the water at night, the lighthouse suggests how you are finding direction within you. This is a symbol of your rising awareness as you search for a safe harbor during times of difficulty. (read all at source)
To see a lighthouse in your dream, signifies that you are seeking guidance during your times of hardships and turmoil.. (read all at source)
Lighthouse - A bridge between the conscious and unconscious mind. What is the dream trying to tell you?
Lightening - A sexual symbol. A flash of insight. It may symbolize punishment, as in the 'wrath of the gods'.. What is it that is threatening you? (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Canoe, Lighthouse, Anchor, Sailing, Deck, Ferry, Sweet Taste, Voice
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Share Your experience on dreaming about Calm symbol. (read all at source)
Buildings Damaged Destroyed
Buildings Entering
Buildings Laboratory
Buildings Lighthouse... (read all at source)
light: One's vision, being awake as opposed to asleep, to have insight. When it is in the form of a lighthouse, it may indicate a warning. (read all at source)
Swimming for your life in a storm warns of great difficulties ahead. If you reach the shore, or if there is a star or lighthouse guiding your way, you will prevail.
4. Swimming in a meet implies an inner drive to improve yourself. See: Sports. (read all at source)
lighthouse be patient; others notice that you need help and help is on the way; moving to a house with more space; you are a beacon to others. How are you being warned that you are getting too close? (read all at source)
A lighthouse symbolizes you have an intuitive / psychic ability. The dream asks you to use this to help others find their path in life.
Lightning... (read all at source)
Your lighthouse would be a refuge of reason - the giant light bulb representing an idea, which comes from combining logic and creativity. You may be the kind of person who generally can think things through calmly, but you can't seem to deal with this situation in your usual fashion. (read all at source)