Law and lawsuits dream meaning

Law and lawsuits dreams by DreamMean
To dream of engaging in a lawsuit, warns you of enemies who are poisoning public opinion against you. If you know that the suit is dishonest on your part, you will seek to dispossess true owners for your own advancement.

If a young man is studying law, he will make rapid rise in any chosen profession.

For a woman to dream that she engages in a law suit, means she will be calumniated, and find enemies among friends. See Judge, Jury.

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Law and Lawsuits: To dream of engaging in a lawsuit, warns you of enemies who arepoisoning public opinion against you.
If you know that the suitis dishonest on your part, you will seek to dispossess true ownersfor your own advancement. (read all at source)

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Law and Lawsuits
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See also related symbols: Magistrate, Law and Lawsuits
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