Lace dream meaning

Lace dreams by DreamMean
See to it, if you are a lover, that your sweetheart wears lace, as this dream brings fidelity in love and a rise in position.

If a woman dreams of lace, she will be happy in the realization of her most ambitious desires, and lovers will bow to her edict. No questioning or imperiousness on their part.

If you buy lace, you will conduct an expensive establishment, but wealth will be a solid friend.

If you sell laces, your desires will outrun your resources.

For a young girl to dream of making lace, forecasts that she will win a handsome, wealthy husband. If she dreams of garnishing her wedding garments with lace, she will be favored with lovers who will bow to her charms, but the wedding will be far removed from her.

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To see lace in your dream, represents your sensuality and the realization of your heart's desires. It may also indicate that you are being overly practical in some area of your life.
Ladder... (read all at source)

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Lace: See to it, if you are a lover, that your sweetheart wears lace,as this dream brings fidelity in love and a rise in position.
If a woman dreams of lace, she will be happy in the realizationof her most ambitious desires, and lovers will bow to her edict. (read all at source)

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I knelt on the ground to help my 5yr old daughter out with her shoe lace. A silvery blue snake slid out from a bush beside me. Instinctively, I pushed my daughter behind me out of harms way and as I did that the snake lunged out and bit my right hand before dashing away. (read all at source)

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For more clues to meaning, pay attention to the characteristics of the decorations. For example, color (representing a certain holiday or team), texture (lace representing femininity or a wedding), and type (china representing a formal occasion, paper plates representing a casual one). (read all at source)

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Using lace for decoration in a dream has the meaning of building something significant in your life. To use lace means on something means to beautify that object. Dreaming of such a process is usually a good omen. Beautification can symbolize ways in which you should reorganize your life. (read all at source)

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Lace :
If you made a lace you have a good life. If you bought a lace you can get rich. (read all at source)

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Dreaming of lace might indicate romantic feelings or a strong desire to feel more feminine. If a man dreams of lace, he might have feelings for the woman wearing the lace. Or, he could be acknowledging a softer side of himself. (read all at source)

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To dream of making lace means you will live a useful, industrious life and never want for the necessities. If you... Continue dream interpretation - Lace"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Lacquer... (read all at source)

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Blue linen, lace and cloths were used to cover the many instruments in the tabernacle and this color represents the Kingdom of Heaven. It speaks of the throne room of the Lord. If you were to see a vehicle in blue, it would mean that your ministry has been given to you by the Lord. (read all at source)

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I was looking at myself in the mirror and wondering why I had on this outdated dress with poofy sleeves and lace on the the arms. (read all at source)

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For a young girl to dream of making lace, forecasts that she will win a handsome, wealthy husband. If she dreams of garnishing her wedding garments with lace, she will be favored with lovers who will bow to her charms, but the wedding will be far removed from her.
Ladder... (read all at source)

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See the lace or more - the dream means that you will have false friends. Tied them - then you will develop a close relationship with the people who will fully obey your will. Sleep may also portend a small and not very important trip. (read all at source)

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lace old fashioned dress; feminine; strike out at someone; something needs spiking up. What uncomfortable situation are you being squeezed into? (read all at source)

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irritated, isolate, jab, jag, jape, jeer, jeering, jest, jew down, jigsaw, jog, joggle, joint, jot, jot down, jump, jump ship, keep off, kennel, kerf, keynote, kick back, kickback, kill, kill by inches, kind, kloof, knead, knock, knock cold, knock down, knock off, knock out, knout, knurl, lace,... (read all at source)

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so on that dream i was holding close to 60 metres of a cream white lace where i was sitting on the lawn and all those whom we were not in good terms came and i was telling them to sit on the lawn and cover their lower part with tha lace. (read all at source)

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Example: I was wearing a wedding dress, there was a helper in the background, the dress was white lace as I looked down at myself in the dress I noticed red roses on the neckline, I was surprised at this, then looking down my laced arm there was a tarantula spider. (read all at source)

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