Seeing knuckles in your dream, represent hard work and diligence. (read all at source)
Knuckles :
If you noticed your knuckles does this mean that you throw away your time. (read all at source)
To see knuckles in your dream, represent hard work and diligence. (read all at source)
Whether the knuckles featured in your dream were your own or someone else's, they indicate that you are wasting your time... Continue dream interpretation - Knuckle"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Koala... (read all at source)
To see someone's knuckles in your dream signifies the detection of your private or educational desires. It is also representative of your fundamental strengths that you have not yet acknowledged in the waking life. (read all at source)
The other dream was only a nub on one arm and the other hand had the fingers but were cut at the first bend from the knuckles so only had two inches of fingers but had them all.. (read all at source)