Justice dreams by DreamMean
To dream that you demand justice from a person, denotes that you are threatened with embarrassments through the false statements of people who are eager for your downfall.
If some one demands the same of you, you will find that your conduct and reputation are being assailed, and it will be extremely doubtful if you refute the charges satisfactorily.
Sometimes you will awake from a dream with the sense that something bad was happening that had gone unpunished. In the dream, it appeared perfectly natural for the characters to ignore the law. Nature is blind to the idea of justice. (read all at source)
justice dream symbol
Symbols of justice (court, judge, legal system, etc.) can represent an ultimate or final authority or judgment or a need for you to take responsibility in your life. (read all at source)
actionability, applicability, arbiter, arbitrator, assured probity, Astraea, balance, beak, bencher, blamelessness, blindfolded Justice, cardinal virtues, character, charity, cleanness, coequality, coextension, constitutional validity, constitutionalism, constitutionality, correspondence, court,... (read all at source)
- also see Authority Figures in Dream Dictionary: People and Dream Dictionary: Jury... (read all at source)
To dream that you demand justice, signifies that you are threatened with embarrassment from false statements and accusations. To dream that others demand justice from you, signifies your conduct and reputation are being questioned.
Remembering Dreams... (read all at source)
A dream featuring justice can symbolize a behavioral imbalance. It suggests that you need to be more aware of your choices and actions.
A-Z Dream Dictionary... (read all at source)
KEY WORDS :injustice, cruelty, unfair, justified, tortuous, "cruel to be kind", illness, harsh reality (think how you might use these words to describe your feelings right now. (read all at source)
Gavel - justice; something that is known and can now be dismissed
Geese - Flexibility in handling emotional situations. If swimming, you are in control of your emotions.
Gentitals - creative and reproductive energy; sexual feelings... (read all at source)
Speaking of justice:
Proverbs 16:11 A just weight and balance [are] the LORD [Yahweh]'S: all the weights of the bag [are] his work.(GMR)
Speaking of provision:... (read all at source)
The scales of Justice stands for balance and harmony, but also for good judgment. Moreover it is the symbol for the zodiac sign of Virgo.
European (Judeo-Christian)... (read all at source)
Dream Tarot Card: Justice
1. Dreaming of a female gypsy fortuneteller indicates unexpected good news, while dreaming of a male gypsy, usually a musician, foreshadows romance.
2. (read all at source)
As a solar symbol of the lion represents the glow, shine and strength of the midday sun, the principle of fire, grandeur, strength and courage, fortitude, justice, law, military power, the King of the Beasts. On the other hand, the lion symbolizes cruelty, savagery, animal life. (read all at source)
Seeing the Day of Resurrection in a dream also denotes justice. Being the only person resurrected on such a day means one's death. Standing up awaiting one's judgement on the Day of Resurrection in a dream means travels. (read all at source)
A dream which has authority to adjudicate legal disputes and dispense civil, criminal, or administrative justice in accordance with rules of law is a higher warning. If you dream of being on trial for murder, then a friends life around you maybe transformed into an on-going trial. (read all at source)
I was standing near the bars angry and shouting about the injustice of my incarceration. As I stood raging I suddenly realised that all my anger was having no affect on the world. I was the only one suffering it. (read all at source)
Are you defending against an attack from an outside force, or are you attacking because you feel that you must bring someone to justice? How does this relate to your life right now? (read all at source)
Justice (think of a scale)
In Asian cultures the left hand is symbolic of yin energy and the right yang energy. Hands folded together or clasped in Asian illustrations is iconic of allegiance and friendship. Hidden hands depicted in art indicates humility and offering respect where it is due. (read all at source)
To dream you see a friend standing like a statue on a hill, denotes you will advance beyond present pursuits, but will retain former impressions of justice and knowledge, seeking these through every change. (read all at source)
To dream of white, indicates purity, justice, simplicity, humility, youth and cold. It also denotes secure, stability and happiness in the home. Negatively, you may be feeling displeased in your walking life. Moreover, it means that you will be entering new stage of life.
Yellow... (read all at source)
To dream about a gavel represents justice and fairness. It could be indicating a situation that you need to deal with head-on.
To dream that you are using a gavel indicates a solution to a particular situation. You or someone else has made a decision about something. (read all at source)
To see a criminal fleeing from justice, interpret that you will come into the possession of the secrets of others, and will therefore be in danger, for they will fear that you will betray them, and consequently will seek your removal.
Crippled... (read all at source)
of justice and knowledge, seeking these through every change.
If the figure below be low, you will ignore your friends of former
days in your future advancement. If it is on a plane or level
with you, you will fail in your ambition to reach other spheres. (read all at source)
Murder-symbolic of jealousy, injustice, and unrighteousness, Isa. 1:21. Murdering people in a dream may also be the result of a demonically induced nightmare
Murderer-a group of murderers is symbolic of a pack of demons, Jn. 8:44... (read all at source)
For a woman to dream of a bachelor, denotes love not born of purity. Justice goes awry. Politicians lose honor.
Ten Thousand Dreams Interpreted, or "What's in a dream": a scientific and practical exposition; By Gustavus Hindman, 1910. For the open domain e-text see: Guttenberg Project... (read all at source)
To dream of weighing on scales, portends that justice will temper your conduct, and you will see your prosperity widening. For a... Continue dream interpretation - Scales"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Scandal... (read all at source)
Eagle : Among the 7 mortal sins, depicts pride; among the 4 cardinal virtues, justice. Symbol of John the Evangelist, depicting spiritual cognition, faith, healing and ascension. (read all at source)
Thoth in Egyptian mythology, a moon god; also the god of wisdom, justice, writing and patron of the sciences; Thoth was Ra's messenger, which led the Greeks to identify him with Hermes. What message has your dream brought from your spiritual centre? (read all at source)
Because hanging is sometimes associated with vengeance and vigilantism, rather than justice, a dream that you are being hanged can mean that you feel that you are being punished unfairly.
You could feel that you are being blamed for the actions of another. (read all at source)
If your beard seems gray, you will be absolutely devoid of any sense of justice to those having claims upon you.
For a woman to see men shaving, foretells that her nature will become sullied by indulgence in gross pleasures. (read all at source)
I do hope that I did justice to these extraordinary experiences that you shared with me.
Pleasant dreams,
Peregrin... (read all at source)
To see others wounded, denotes that injustice will be accorded you by your friends.
To relieve or dress a wound, signifies that you will have occasion to congratulate yourself on your good fortune.
Wreath... (read all at source)
It is a very spiritual color, and is representative of truth, intellect, and justice. Muddy shades of blue may denote depression or moodiness. When this color appears in your dreams, it is probably a message from your subconscious telling you to relax and take things more slowly. (read all at source)
Guest: Angel; messenger; celebration; witnesses of God's sovereignty and justice; the Lord Jesus in our hearts; evil presence. (1 Sam. 16: 5; Zeph. 1: 7; Rev. 19: 9; 22: 17; John 14: 6; Gen. 12: 16; 19: 3, 24)... (read all at source)
To dream that you are wounded, signals distress and an unfavorable turn in business.
To see others wounded, denotes that injustice will be accorded you by your friends.
To relieve or dress a wound, signifies that you will have occasion to congratulate yourself on your good fortune. (read all at source)
Independent: To dream that you are very independent, denotes that you have a rivalwho may do you an injustice.
To dream that you gain an independence of wealth, you may notbe so succcessful{sic} at that time as you expect, but goodresults are promised. (read all at source)
Occultist To dream that you listen to the teachings of an occultist, denotes that you will strive to elevate others to a higher plane of justice and forbearance. If you accept his views, you will find honest delight by keeping your mind and person above material frivolities and pleasures. (read all at source)
Crow (raven) - confusion; outspoken; operating in envy or strife; hateful; unclean; God's minister of justice or provision
Cow - subsistence; prosperity
Deer - graceful, swift; sure-footed, agile; timid... (read all at source)
To dream you ride a fine stallion, denotes you will rise to position and affluence in a phenomenal way; however, your success will warp your morality and sense of justice. (read all at source)
If you're the judge, the dream suggests you have a choice to make. A judge can also represent justice or fairness. Alternately, a judge may stand for a part of you that criticizes your ideas or behavior. Or perhaps you're concerned that you're being judged. Who is judging you?
juggler... (read all at source)
Symbols of justice (court, judge, legal system, etc.) can represent an ultimate or final authority or judgment or a need for you to take responsibility in your life. You may have done something that you could get in trouble for or that will bring you bad karma. (read all at source)
Justice :
If you demanded justice is someone as lying about you. If someone demanded justice from you are your reputation in danger. (read all at source)
Justice. You may, from time to time, have to suffer some injustice in the form of undue criticism, but a successful future will surely be yours if you dreamed of the lady with the scales.
K... (read all at source)