June dreams by DreamMean
To dream of June, foretells unusual gains in all undertakings.
For a woman to think that vegetation is decaying, or that a drouth is devastating the land, she will have sorrow and loss which will be lasting in its effects.
Dream Dictionary
To dream of June, foretells unusual gains in all undertakings. (read all at source)
To dream of June, foretells unusual gains in all undertakings.
For a woman to think that vegetation is decaying, or that a drouth is devastating the land, she will have sorrow and loss which will be lasting in its effects. (read all at source)
Dreaming of June is a sign that you are ready for a more light and fun time in your life. June is traditionally the introduction of summer and during this time, kids are getting out of school and people are taking vacations. (read all at source)
Dreaming of the month of June means unusual gains in all your endeavors. (read all at source)
Q: MY BEST friend passed away june 11th 2010, we were super close. just a quick background, im a...
A: Greetings, Please contact me directly by phone. Thank You. Debiprasad Mishra, Director Institute Of...
Need advice
Debiprasad Mishra... (read all at source)
June :
June mean a new lover for yourself, or for a good friend. (read all at source)
To dream of the month of June, signifies unusual gains in all your endeavours.
To dream that you are in a jungle, signifies aspects of yourself and your personality that may have been inhibited... (read all at source)
June is often associated with weddings and graduations. This may be a time in your life when you are celebrating a love relationship or feeling you have 'graduated' in your personal growth and development.
jungle... (read all at source)
Will have good earnings but must rely on own good judgment. Avoid rivals.
July... (read all at source)
Mid June is the peak mating seasons for brown bears, and so this time of year is symbolic of fertility and the promise a new birth brings to continue the blood line. Bears also remind us of pleasure and taking advantage of the bounty surrounding us this time of year. (read all at source)
Dream Interpretation Birthday May June July August
It is possible that you will see in a dream, everything connected with the resurrection of Jesus Christ - then you use the special grace of God. He loves you. Glorify Christ - to honor and respect. (read all at source)
Newsflash - From the 23rd of June 2012 the amount of time I have been giving to commenting on your dreams will dwindle. This is because I have been holding off bringing Dream Dictionary and the whole site up to date. It will mean that I will not be able to answer as many dreams. (read all at source)
I dreamt i was handed 5 June plums, they seem mostly green, they were also battered at the bottom and one of them was halfway peeled..
I could not hold all five in both hands, so they keep falling from my hands. (read all at source)
See also related symbols: June, Beets, Mineral, Drouth, Crew, Country, Fire
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Share Your experience on dreaming about Land symbol. (read all at source)
This version was updated by the editor on 4 June 2003 to correct some links and to restore two long sections (the end of L and beginning of M) that had been omitted.
Main Page. (read all at source)
of the Association for the Study of Dreams, V. 20, No. 4, Dec 2010, pg 227-247) There is some recent research that questions whether eye movement is necessary to produce the results that can be gained by just reliving the trauma event. (see reasearch summary at PTSD Support Services.net June 15,... (read all at source)
If one's dream takes place during the month of June, then it means destruction of evil trades and their people. If the dream takes place during the daylight time, then it means appointment of people of knowledge to leading positions in the government. (read all at source)
When my wife and I saw these pictures we knew it was a confirmation of what the Lord had said to me in the face-to-face appearance in the middle of the service in Chicago. In June of 2007 we saw this move of God begin along with a lot of mighty miracles that took place. It was tremendous!... (read all at source)