Jubilee dreams by DreamMean
To dream of a jubilee, denotes many pleasureable enterprises in which you will be a participant. For a young woman, this is a favorable dream, pointing to matrimony and increase of temporal blessings.
To dream of a religious jubilee, denotes close but comfortable environments.
Dreaming of a jubilee means pleasurable endeavors and even matrimony. (read all at source)
Dreaming of a jubilee suggests a fresh or new start. It represents the 49th stage of a life cycle (i.e. 7 x7 = 49); the fiftieth year therefore becomes a new cycle and moves the individual from the past into the new. (read all at source)
To dream of a jubilee, signifies pleasurable endeavours and even matrimony. (read all at source)
A dream of a jubilee symbolizes new beginnings. It can imply that you are spontaneous in nature and hence are prone to new things. It may also imply some change ..Read more →
JUDGE / TRIAL ... (read all at source)
50. Jubilee, anointing, Holy Spirit, Passover
60. pride
66. idol worship... (read all at source)
To dream of a jubilee, signifies pleasurable endeavors and even matrimony.
Judge... (read all at source)
the sin sacrifice, the anointed priest was to sprinkle the bullock's blood seven times before the lord (Exodus 4:6) Seven days of the feast of Passover (Exodus 13:3-10) Seven day week and the pattern concerning distribution and use of manna (Exodus 16) Seven year cycle around the years of Jubilee... (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Offspring, Sardonyx, Barber, Pup, Bank, Physician, Bees, Wages, Jubilee, Ivy, Corpulence, Roof, Oak, Plow, Hogs, Moon, Milk, Lamb
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- see break: caution, an illness or an accident could play on one;
- break a mug: death of an enemy;
- pour it into a liquid or a broken cup: applies to illness, possibly death;
- get your gift: rise to honor, inheritance, or even that a jubilee is in sight. (read all at source)