Dream Journal
Recording your dreams regularly provides an ongoing unconscious story which is as much the story of your life as that of your waking life journal. It is important to record your dreams immediately upon waking, whether in quickly scribbled notes, or by talking into a tape recorder. (read all at source)
journal dream symbol
Expressing yourself, listening to yourself, or being heard. Dreaming you are writing in a journal can mean that there's something you need to listen to within yourself. (read all at source)
Especially if it is a dream journal it represent your past present and even your future. It is like a crystal ball that you can look into and see new things all the time - and of course remember the past with various emotions.
Manuscript... (read all at source)
Expressing yourself, listening to yourself, or being heard. Dreaming you are writing in a journal can mean that there's something you need to listen to within yourself. Tune into your quiet inner wisdom, or try writing out your feelings.
See also: writing notebook... (read all at source)
Writing in a journal or owning a journal is a dream about figuring out your place in the world. Now is a good time in your life to be contemplating your goals, opportunities, and true feelings about situations. (read all at source)
Dream Journal
Keeping a dream journal is quite essential if you want to record your dreams properly. You must organize yourself with all the right tools in order to take full advantage of what your mind has to offer. You can record your dreams on a recorder, a piece of paper or on your computer. (read all at source)
Dream Journals
Dream journals are wonderfuls tool in helping you to interpret your dreams through-out your whole dream life. (read all at source)
Dream "Radiojournal"
The newest Dream Book D. Ivanov
Achieve recognition in the community and among its neighbors. (read all at source)
I have a degree in journalism from a Manitoba University and worked as a photojournalist, entertainment columnist and editor for print media. (read all at source)
** More to follow as time permits ** But please remember--I'm not putting an A-Z list up here. It will be in my book one day, or you can check the book list available on the links page. Better yet, take the tips on this site and start your own journal for inner guidance that can't be beat!... (read all at source)
If you dream of writing in a journal, you should pay close attention to the other symbols in your dream, because they contain an important key to your future happiness. (read all at source)
Journalist :
If you saw a journalist you can get involved in a quarrel because of a trifle. If you were a journalist you might experience something unpleasant, that will turn out to be good for you. (read all at source)
To see or read a journal in your dream, suggests that you are trying to change or rewrite the past to suit your own needs. Consider what is written in the journal and how it is similar or dissimilar to actual events in your waking life. Alternatively, it symbolizes memories and history. (read all at source)
A dream with a journal symbolizes need for organization in your life. It can also imply that you need to look more closely at some aspect of your life.
JOURNEY ... (read all at source)
Dream Journal: Ways to Inspire, Recall and Record Your Dream
Whimsical and colorful dream journal to keep at your bedside to jot down your daytime thoughts and nightime dreams. (read all at source)
advice, broadcast journalism, daily, daily newspaper, extra, extra edition, gazette, information, intelligence, journalism, magazine, national newspaper, neighborhood newspaper, news, news agency, news medium, news service, newsiness, newsletter, newsmagazine, newspaper of record, newsworthiness,... (read all at source)
Example dream : A dream about reading the dreamers ex boyfriends journal about all the anger he felt linked to the dreamer starting to understand her ex's point of view. She split from him but did not explain why. She loved him but he was not serious enough about the relationship. (read all at source)
*Please See Journal.
To see dice in your dream, signifies misfortune in the stock market and consequent misery and despair. They represent chance and fate.
To see your lover throwing dice, symbolizes his unworthiness.
Dictator... (read all at source)
So I sat down to journal in a special book meant for my heart to read someday when he is ready. As I am journaling, I look up and here sits a ladybug on my bed. It was one of these moments when you know it means something. After all it is past lady bug weather in Michigan being the end of Oct. (read all at source)
Record Your Dreams Start a dream journal; recording all you can remember about dreams concerning the things you want. In particular, pay attention to how these dreams feel. Does getting what you think you want feel good within the dream? (read all at source)
If you don't already have a Dream Journal, I encourage you to start one. Write down any insights you gained from the dream and include interpretations for symbols that are meaningful to you.
Take Action... (read all at source)
To identify common dream symbols in your own dreams, keep a dream journal. Write in the present tense as if you're actually re-experiencing the dream, and underline any unusual or poignant aspects (eg, "the frog is sad because he knows a drought is coming"). (read all at source)
Sometimes haircut could show the fear and mostly of the times it represents grief, loss and sorrow;
According to Indian dream journal "Jagaddeva", haircut signifies poverty and miserable life, which the dreamer will have.
Hair loss or hair falling out in clumps meaning in dreams... (read all at source)
-Writing one's feelings down in a journal as though you were writing a letter to a well-loved and trusted confidant can also be extremely helpful as can talking with others who share similar experiences. As with most disturbances of the inner self one size does not fit all. (read all at source)
If that is not possible, you may want to speak to a third party, such as a counselor, or even write down your feelings in a diary or journal. You may find that the thing that has been bothering you so much isn't really that important after all. (read all at source)
It is very important that you talk to someone about your feelings, often just talking can help you get rid of bad thoughts and dreams. The other way is to write it all out in a journal. Write down everything you are feeling. This will help you to express it and get it off your chest. (read all at source)