Jokes dream meaning

Friendship between women: a...
On the first day, god creat...
The vet pulled out his stet...
Beer, fishing, sex & footba...
A guy goes into a bar, orde...
There was once a young man...
My son was playing the vide...
A man called his law firm a... (read all at source)

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He tended to be very serious and needed to allow people to make jokes at his expense without being too sensitive. The bedroom was symbolic of this very personal issue.
Example dream : A hotel bedroom dream linked to the dreamer feeling very hurt at some personal criticism. ... (read all at source)

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Seeing the world in a dream also means distractions, jokes, deception, arrogance, negating promises, failing one's promises, theft, cheating, trickery, sufferings, a prostitute, adversities, sickness, paying fines, mental depression, limitations, appointments, dismissals, or disappointments. (read all at source)

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i am in a gift shop in australia(never ever been )i look at 2 cards which have jokes on them,
from behind the counter comes a blond haired female with a reddish pink line of makeup or eye shaddow across her eyes,
i say to her, you are beautiful,we kiss,felt we are meant for each other,... (read all at source)

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The role of entertainer or jokester (for example, if your Uncle Jerry is always telling funny stories that make people to laugh, he might show up in your dream dressed as a clown)... (read all at source)

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If the dreamer is reminiscent of spiritual content, then he often hide behind jokes or subtle expressions in the dream.
- Dreaming of jokes or jokers: dreamer without society will get nothing good;
- Also joke or joker in dream: you should seek same age companions. (read all at source)

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The letter "J" can be associated with puns, jokes, the joker and jesters of the psyche that trip us up to dislodge us from stasis. This letter also inspires images of jails, jaywalking and juggling and can suggest the rules of society and whether or not we feel restricted by them.
Jab... (read all at source)

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I told my dad and now he jokes about the dream. That was like 3 weeks ago, then last night I had another dream about her killing me. She like came in my room threw me on the bed and choked me to the point that I died. (read all at source)

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jester someone who makes jokes to cover up their nervousness and embarrassment; having to perform and be entertaining when one wrong joke could land you in serious trouble. Who is being the joker? (read all at source)

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Port-o-potty-symbolic of bad jokes and bathroom humor
Possession-the sensation of spiritual possession in a dream is symbolic of demonic influences in your life, Mk. 3:11... (read all at source)

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All funny downloads...
Funny images - pictures
Funny html files
Funny text files, jokes
Funny word files
Funny excel files
Funny powerpoint files
Funny stuff, unsuitable for minors
Weird images - photos
Download funny videos
Download games - programs... (read all at source)

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I told him I was sorry and I missed him and I loved him and a few inside jokes. It felt so real it hurt. My brother is still alive! He is in jail though and has been for 7 months. This might be a bit off topic but I thought I should share that. (read all at source)

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Market, fair to see - the rivalry, meeting with many people, the uncertainty relations and circumstances. Trade - small income / jokes and laughter. Under the counter - losing their own fault. Change - all are unhappy with you, and the only significant effort to change their attitude towards you. (read all at source)

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Bran knew he was going to die anyway ( from an injury made by a poisonous spear), so he asked his men to cut off his head and inter it upon holy ground. Legend has it Bran's head kept the men entertained during the journey. Talking, singing and cracking jokes all the way. Hmmm. (read all at source)

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When blue shows up in your dreams, you may be feeling calm and relaxed, or you may be feeling 'blue' and experiencing sadness about some situation in your life. In some areas blue is associated with improper speech, e.g., 'the comic's jokes were blue.'... (read all at source)

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I have also had recurring dreams about dying of exposure near a dried-up riverbed, which I now believe to be the source of the Yellow River in Mongolia, a place where there were many Tibetan monasteries. (My wife often jokes that I feel the cold too much for an incarnation of a Tibetan.)... (read all at source)

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Jokes are funny because of the element of truth contained in them. In dreams, we may access our own sarcasm or humor about our circumstances. However, we may have characters in our dreams that make jokes that we do not find at all amusing. (read all at source)

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writer, gagman, gagster, galoot, gawk, get funny, go haywire, gowk, groundling, guttersnipe, Hanswurst, Harlequin, hayseed, hick, high-wire artist, hillbilly, hooligan, horse around, humorist, ignoramus, ill-bred fellow, invite ridicule, ironist, jackass, jack-pudding, jerk, jester, joker, jokesmith,... (read all at source)

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