Dream interpretation - Joker
A dream featuring this card is warning you that your idleness could make someone else richer. Get busy.... Continue dream interpretation - Joker"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Jolly... (read all at source)
Joker's hat
General Meanings:
In General the hat of Jester/Joker warns you to be careful, otherwise you will make yourself look like a fool, especially in the relationship you are at the moment. (read all at source)
Joker :
If you dreamt about a joker you might loose a good chance to earn much money because you are too slow. (read all at source)
A joker card.
A kings Jester.
Someone in a joker suit.
Yourself in a joker suit.
You play cards. (read all at source)
A dream featuring this card is warning you that your idleness could make someone else richer. Get busy - if you let someone else take what's yours, you will only have yourself to blame.
Journal... (read all at source)
The psyche often uses humor when difficult ideas are being explored. A Joker or comical character can appear in your dream as a way of poking fun at your tendency to be too serious or too rooted in fear. (read all at source)
A dream where there is a joker or a joke can imply that you are experiencing some stress in your life.
JOURNAL / JOURNALIST ... (read all at source)
tom @ 2012-03-12 17:13:02
i dreamed i visited my deceased family members who told me my dog was there with them,and he kissed me when i went over to him. (read all at source)
hag, harass, hardnose, harmattan, harpy, harry, harum-scarum, heat, heckle, hector, hellcat, hellhound, hellion, hellkite, hell-raiser, hobo, holy terror, hood, hoodlum, hooligan, hothead, hotspur, hound, human wreck, imp, in hell, in the world, incendiary, incubus, irk, jinni, jinniyeh, joker,... (read all at source)
card time to relax and play; watch out for the jokers; something 'in the cards'; someone might have a card 'up their sleeve'; putting your cards on the table; someone playing with a stacked deck. Who in your life is a card (a comic)? (read all at source)
Popular Expressions: To clown around; The joker in the pack
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)