When a job interview appears in your dream you are being reminded of the potential that you have in life. To be successful in the interview signifies that you are being tested in a situation in waking life. To see others being interviwed means a successful outcome is predicted. (read all at source)
The job in your dream has many connections. It can represent your feelings of social value and how you see or value yourself, as a following example explains. (read all at source)
job dream symbol
Productivity, adding value, contributing to society, or making a difference in the world
Activity that feels like work, but isn't or shouldn't be... (read all at source)
Job interview
In general:
The interview shows that in your real life, you want to take up a new position. So you want to change and now needs to make a good impression. Pay particular attention in dream interpretation of this vision, is how you act in this job interview and what you imagine. (read all at source)
Job 20:8
Bible Dream Dictionary
He shall fly away as a dream, and shall not be found. Yes, he shall be chased away like a vision of the night. (read all at source)
Job Dreams
Written by dreamdictionary.net
Working people spend such a large percentage of their lives at their jobs that, if you work, it is natural to find yourself at your job when you are dreaming. Unresolved conflicts that you have at work can show up in your dreams. (read all at source)
Productivity, adding value, contributing to society, or making a difference in the world
Activity that feels like work, but isn't or shouldn't be
A feeling of being forced to do something or help out in your life when you don't really want to... (read all at source)
effect a sale, effort, employment, endeavor, engagement, enterprise, errand, exercise, exploit, fait accompli, farm, farm out, feat, filch, fish to fry, flimflam, fool, function, gest, gig, go, grab, gull, hand, handiwork, handle, heist, hire, hire out, hoax, homework, incumbency, interest, job of... (read all at source)
Dream "Job"
receive - news from afar; giving - hatred of the person to whom you give. (read all at source)
In a dream, a ring represents peace, tranquility, authority, a wife, a child, or a job, the reward of which will equal the value and size of the gemstone which is placed on it. (read all at source)
Remember that dreams are metaphors and so think of ways in which a job maybe used in such a way? Do you feel like something has become more of a job than a hobby? Do you take something far too seriously? (read all at source)
We all have an ideal type of job we'd love to do - where going to work every day is a happy experience that makes you truly happy. For some that would be a sports career. For others it might be teaching children. (read all at source)
Job 13:12; Job 42:6)
Atom Bomb-Power: Holy Spirit outpouring (the atom bomb is both a sign of the last days and a parable of God's mighty power); miracle power; sudden destruction. (read all at source)
Since we spend so much time at work, it is common to have dreams that help us process what is going on in the work setting. Clues to how you can solve a crisis however, will come through in the interesting ways the work environment appears different. (read all at source)
Job 20:8
"He will fly away like a dream and not be found; he will be chased away like a vision of the night."
Bible Dreams: Ecclesiastes
Ecclesiastes 5:3... (read all at source)
Dreaming that you are at work may indicate you're overworked. You may be deeply focused on some aspect of your job, or you might want to work harder and achieve more.
joke... (read all at source)
Work, Job
Actions, Feelings, Conditions - Dream Dictionary
To dream that you are hard at work, denotes that you will win merited success by concentration of energy.
To see others at work, denotes that hopeful conditions will surround you. (read all at source)
Good job. I saw handcuffs but not hand.In a recent dream someone came up behind me for an unknown reason and I found myself holding the hand of the person by the wrist in a strong grip throughout the dream. (read all at source)
—Job iv, 13-14
Kaleidoscopes working before you in a dream, portend swift changes with little of favorable promise in them. (read all at source)
- Loss of Job
- Not the leader with friends or business
- Afraid of your relationship
- Not having control in a situation
- Failure in love
- Lack of confidence
- Embarrassed that you wouldn't make the cut
- Who is pushing you
- Your not in control of your destiny... (read all at source)
axe losing a job or an important position; fear and rage; you have been 'grinding that axe' long enough, let it go; a 'battle-axe'; trying to hack off part of yourself. What part of your life are you ready to hack off?
'There is no wrong way to dream.'
Joan Duncan
Letter A... (read all at source)
Slap-contempt, Job 16:10
Slaughter house-symbolic of being butchered mentally or physically by someone
Slavery-a symbol of oppression, bondage, and sin, Deut. 6:12... (read all at source)
It may be the fear of failing in your job/school, loss of status, or failure in love. You feel shameful and lack a sense of pride. Ask yourself, am I feeling heavy, unsupported, worried about something? How can I feel freer? More... (read all at source)
To see or receive a diploma in your dream, symbolizes completion and/or recognition for a job well done.
To dream that you are following directions, represents your need or ability to accept criticism. It also relates to your feelings about authority. (read all at source)
For example, you could be thinking about looking for a new job or starting a new relationship. Your dream is saying that you are considering a change, but that you are not ready to make a permanent commitment. (read all at source)
She may be disguised in our dreams, and it is our job to find her in there. If you are dreaming about your mother, you may be addressing some issues or concerns in your dream, or your dream may be based on a valuable memory. (read all at source)
You will be promoted in your job or recognized for your achievement in a difficult task. Spiders are also a symbol of creativity due to the intricate webs they spin. On a negative note, spiders may indicate a feeling of being entangled or trapped in a sticky or clingy relationship. (read all at source)
Mostly business, the Beaver is gets the job at hand done with maximum efficiency and aplomb. Strategic, and cunning the Beaver is a force to be reckoned with in matters of business and combat. (read all at source)
You may feel at home at your new job or you finally feel settled and comfortable in a new environment. To see your childhood home in particular, suggests your own desires for building a family. (read all at source)
You may feel unprepared for a situation in real life - a job interview, a big project, a test, parenthood - and this dream is symbolising that fear. Try to determine what in your life is causing this fear and see what can be done to make you feel better prepared. (read all at source)
If the hat is new, the dreamer may be considering a new job - and should go for it. If the hat is old and shabby, the dreamer's current job will eventually "get old."
2. If the hat is too small for the dreamer, something in his life for which he had high hopes could turn out to be a disappointment. (read all at source)
Also, it’s not uncommon to dream of an alien when you start a new job or relationship, because in these circumstances you often feel different and perhaps alienated. (read all at source)
If you had problems on your job, will things be better than before. If you did not find a job, you will find a job, etc. If you saw someone working you will have a pleasant time. If you gave up your position there is something you must not do. (read all at source)
Bird: Freedom, to move beyond your limitations or the limitation of the job or relationship. It can also represent your imagination, such as a "flight of fancy. (read all at source)
To see yourself working on a beach shows that you will soon be involved with a job, or project, that will be demanding of you in both time and effort. (read all at source)
This may relate to losing your job, a failed relationship, or some situation which has played a significant role in your identity and who you are as a person. (read all at source)
Losing her job and losing her ability to do her job was affecting her. Work is very important to the majority of people. It is not only a source of money but we also meet many people through it and also gain a sense of self worth. (read all at source)
If you dream that you are job hunting, and, in your dream, feel discouraged about the whole job situation, then your... Continue dream interpretation - Job"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Jockey... (read all at source)
Finally, if you dream of your boss in the worksetting, you probably are stressed out by your job for any number of reasons. Dreaming of your job in general-particularly if the dream is unremarkable and takes place in real time-usually indicates that you are feeling overworked or are behind at work. (read all at source)
If I exactly remember I was dreaming that someone wanted to kill my dad nd burry him in the ground alive I looked and noticed it was my uncle the reason why he killed my dad was because he was laid of from his construction company and he was trying had to find a job and the reason why my uncle... (read all at source)
Feather - uplifting thoughts; feather in your cap is a job well done.
Feelings - emotions as they really are in your waking life.
Fence - barrier{s} in one's life, either physical and or psychological; sitting on a fence is trying to make-up your mind. (read all at source)
"Then thou scarest me with dreams, and terrifiest me through visions.''-- Job vii, 14
Jackdaw To see a jackdaw, denotes ill health and quarrels. To catch one, you will outwit enemies. To kill one, you will come into possession of disputed property. (read all at source)
A postman is a guide in a dream and whatever ability a guide has you have too. A postman's job is to deliver messages to people and so symbolizes channeling. You have the ability to receive messages from the spirit world and pass them on to people.
Potted Plant... (read all at source)
Automobile - personal ministry or job
Bicycle - individual ministry or calling requiring perseverance
Bus - church or ministry... (read all at source)
When we have dreams demons like this, we are seeing things that are spiritual. Many Saints have seen spiritual things in dreams. Job had seen horrors, in his sleep, body, family, and his wealth, it all came from the devil when the hedge of God's protection was removed. (read all at source)
To dream that you are a victim of cannibalism represents the pressures and burdens that you are experiencing at your job, at home, or in some other circumstance. (read all at source)
To see a quarry in your dream, denotes that hard work will lead to an advancement in your present job. Alternatively, you may have dug yourself into an emotional hole.
Quartet ... (read all at source)
To see amaryllis in your dream, foretells that you will be successful after much struggles. It symbolizes completion and/or recognition for a job well done.
Apple Blossom
To see apple blossoms in your dream indicates love, lust and sensuality. (read all at source)
Idiots at work...
The ten commandments-texas...
Some harmones...
Are you a real man?...
Why did the chicken cross t...
Job rules:...
Some intersting fact about...
Reality sets in... (read all at source)
Truck is the physical body. As with all small vehicles, a truck in a dream indicates the dreamer's physical body. A tractor trailer represents a vehicle for learning, probably a career or job.
Dict. A heavy motor vehicle used for transport. (read all at source)
esteem for a job well done). Different types of crowns may have varying meanings (e.g. Jesus had a crown of thorns and was a martyr). All crowns are circular and in that way they bring up issues of completeness and wholeness and point to the center of personality. (read all at source)
guns, snakes, shoes, killing, chase dreams, cutting, bleeding, death, eyes, lake, water, chair, zombies, chakras, work, job, co-workers, bed, father, ship, blanket; many more.
Go to the Contest Winners Page to look them up in an actual dream interpretation. (read all at source)
Depending on your mind set, you may see a mountain representation of something that you feel is an overwhelming obstacle, or you may view it positively as a great challenge you are ready to take on. A mountain can represent your life, your job and task you're involved in, a project or a goal. (read all at source)
bothered me thinking about how he could breathe with the snake's tail extending down his throat into his stomach. The snake noticed me and expecting attention, came over to where I was standing. I treated it like any other pet (dog/cat) until it went away. Suddenly I was back at work doing my job,... (read all at source)
Job Search Tax Deduction Tips
Your Job
Obama on Financial Security for Middle-Class Americans: Social Security, College, Jobs, Pensions, Health Care
The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud
Your True Tales - January 2006 - Page 10 - History of Abductions... (read all at source)
To dream that you are looking for a job, suggests that you are unfulfilled and feeling frustrated in the current phase of your life. (read all at source)
A dream involving a job can symbolize the tasks you are facing in your working environment. If you are fired in the dream then it implies that you desire to ..Read more →
JOKE / JOKER ... (read all at source)
Job 40:16 "Lo now, his strength [is] in his loins, and his force [is] in the navel of his belly." (GMR)
Speaking of receiving blessing from the Lord:
Proverbs 3:8 "It will be health to your navel, and marrow to your bones." (GMR)... (read all at source)
This might indicate that you are not doing a very good job of getting yourself help and you continue to expose yourself to possible attacks. There is a poor, needy part of you, banging on your window (trying to get you to listen) telling you that you need something represented by money. (read all at source)