Jaundice dreams by DreamMean
To dream that you have the jaundice, denotes prosperity after temporary embarrassments.
To see others with jaundice, you will be worried with unpleasant companions and discouraging prospects.
American, Unitarianism G. H. Miller
Dreaming that you have the jaundice, denotes prosperity after temporary embarrassments. To see others with jaundice, you will be worried with unpleasant companions and discouraging prospects.. (read all at source)
Jaundice is largely a worry for parents when their children are born with the yellowing of the skin or eyes but anyone can have the disease. Concern over children or loved ones in a dream is an indication of good health actually and therefore little cause to worry. (read all at source)
To see others with jaundice, you will be worried with unpleasant companions and discouraging prospects. (read all at source)
Jaundice - the threat of getting sick with jaundice reality.
Dream Interpretation birthdays in September, October, November, December
Ache in his sleep jaundice - to get acquainted with the Asian. (read all at source)
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To dream that you have jaundice, denotes you will have great good fortune after a period of temporary loss and embarrassment. To dream that others have jaundice, signifies bothersome people and unpleasant companions. (read all at source)
discontentment, disgruntlement, dissatisfaction, dissatisfiedness, divine discontent, enviousness, Faustianism, gluttony, greed, green-eyed jealousy, green-eyed monster, grudge, grudging, gula, hanker, heartburn, heartburning, horn-madness, ill humor, invidia, invidiousness, ira, jalousie, jaundice,... (read all at source)
To dream that you have the Jaundice denotes you will have great good fortune after many days of adverse fortune and... Continue dream interpretation - Jaundice"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Javelin... (read all at source)
I'm minding my own business trying to get out of the restaurant but i take a passing glance at one table and theres a guy who looks like by Dad, but paunchier, half bald with stringy grey hair, and glaucomic/jaundiced eyes which i'm not sure he can totally see out of. (read all at source)
Yellow is a bright, happy color, the color of sunshine, of daffodils and buttercups. It represents joy, fun, laughing out loud. Negative - illness, as in jaundice and yellow skin. (read all at source)