Icons - the future will be overcome temptation.
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Are the icons revered or disdained by others in your dream? How do you feel about it?
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Couples' Composite: Your Life Together... (read all at source)
They stand as icons or display characteristics and potentials that you are adopting or exploring. Comedians can offer a message about the need to ‘lighten up.’ In a situation, you may find that you will achieve more if you can be less serious. (read all at source)
They are like icons on computer screens that are lifeless unless one clicks on them. That is because dreams are not thought processes that you can analyse with the rational mind. (read all at source)
Pyramids are powerful icons of mystery. The act of building a pyramid takes strength and cooperation. Because of this, when you see a pyramid in a dream, it is usually a good sign indicating a time in your life where you will succeed. (read all at source)
Mike Myers from the Halloween movies is one of several icons which represent the unstoppable killer. It's as if your opponent is death itself, which is probably the case here. You're raging against loss. (read all at source)
Have you considered self-contained sea creatures, such as a sea snail, sea turtle or the nautilus as symbolic icons for your lifestyle?
These convey a sense of taking (and making) home where they are, and self-sufficiency in the watery realms. (read all at source)
The icon symbolises the microcosm within the macrocosm, in other words, the small world reflecting the large world. As people need tangible symbols to represent concepts, icons are used by the unconscious to provide meaning.
- also see Dream Dictionary: Buildings... (read all at source)
If the portrait was of the Virgin Mary, someone will intercede for you in a disagreement and put it to an end.
2. Icons in general seem to bring a message that coming changes in your life, however stressful they may be, are beneficial and can be dealt with fairly easily. See: Church. (read all at source)