Hook dreams by DreamMean
To dream of a hook, foretells unhappy obligations will be assumed by you.
Honor if see an fish hook - This dream shows that you have all the necessary conditions to achieve honor and glory;
Love if fishing with fish hook - This dream indicates new and wonderful love affairs;... (read all at source)
Hook Dreams
Written by dreamdictionary.net
When you dream of a hook you are understanding that you have an ability to draw things towards you that are either good or bad. (read all at source)
To catch one with a hook, foretells assured pleasure and competence. If it falls back into the water, you will have a short season of happiness.
To catch them with a seine, is a sign of unparalleled prosperity. (read all at source)
This is a classic symbol of trying to ‘hook’ or capture the emerging sides of you that are stirring below the surface of awareness. Water often symbolizes the unconscious and since it houses potential - fishing in this area is a positive sign that you are attempting to activate potential. (read all at source)
To dream that you are catching something with a hook, suggests that you need to acknowledge and incorporate some aspect or characteristic into your self-image. Alternatively, it may refer to your love or sexual relationship and issues of intimacy.
Hopscotch... (read all at source)
Another dream had me catching fish through a simple hook and line despite the beach was raging with brownish water.
I got two healthy fresh fish, my friend caught smaller ones, and we saw a dead shark fish on the beach floor. (read all at source)
Popular Expressions: Off the hook; get hooked in; hang in there
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)
Hook :
A hook symbolizes a task you will not like. (read all at source)
To see hooks in your dream, suggests that you will get caught for your mischievousness and deceit. It also suggests your desire for material things or feelings of deprivation. (read all at source)
Hook - designs use a relatively small surface area: this dream signifies contentment.
Fluke - lightweight and popular: it means teaching others.
Drogues - big sea anchors: it means individuality. (read all at source)
A hook in a dream represents our reliance on certain parts of our personality to 'catch' people. Often those who dream of a hook feel a sense of falseness about their being.
- also see Dream Dictionary: Animals... (read all at source)
green pasture with slope
What do dream about black on theeth really mean? dream interpretations... (read all at source)
This lets me off the hook of either acting like a hero, or changing that critical aspect of myself. Our dreams help us identify characteristics we are having difficulty accepting in ourselves. (read all at source)
To catch fish, you impale a worm on a hook - it's a tip: you should have, and without delay, to change the style of clothing, because all have been accustomed to it. If you continue to dress in the same spirit, the person to whom you sympathize, do not pay attention to you for a long time. (read all at source)
Angling - Fishing for answers in the unconscious. Being taken in, hook, line and sinker. (read all at source)
These were allowed and the movements gradually led the man to take on the posture of an animal - he and Reich both felt it to be a fish. This puzzled both of them as to it meaning, but as the movements continued the man first realised he felt like a fish caught on a hook and line, then suddenly,... (read all at source)
abstract, acquitted, all the way, allure, anchor, anchorage, and, and sinker, angle, angle off, annex, apex, appropriate, arc, arch, argue into, articulate, backhand, backhander, backstroke, bag, bait, bait the hook, baited trap, bar, batten, batten down, belt, bend, bend back, berth, bifurcate,... (read all at source)
Meat hook-symbolic of being dragged off against your will, Amos 4:2
Mecca-Islam, the Middle East
Medical exam-dreaming of a medical exam can be a pro�phetic warning from God to show you an injury or illness about yourself or others... (read all at source)