Green - growth, prosperity, conscious Negative - envy, jealousy, pride
Brown - compassion, humility Negative - compromise, humanism
Gold/amber - purity, glory, holiness Negative - idolatry, defilement, licentiousness... (read all at source)
Backyard Dreaming of a green, grassy backyard is a forecast of personal happiness. If the yard was messy, weedy or you felt scared, there are hostile influences around you at the moment and you should avoid any changes for the time being. (read all at source)
To find yourself in a green valley foretells improvements in business and happiness in love life. If the valley is barren then illness and vexations follow.
Vampires and bats in a dream should be seen as spiritual matters which have not been resolved, but suppressed in the unconscious. (read all at source)
An green garden suggests you are growing and interested in life at present. A sparse garden with little growth suggests that close relationships mean nothing much to you, or that you have become disinterested in life right now. Try and relate the dream to new feelings coming out from your mind. (read all at source)
Red represents emotional intensity, anger, and urgency; pink, tenderness, femininity, and sensitivity; yellow, warmth and friendliness; green, virility, health, and wealth; light blue, peace and serenity; deep blue, the unknown and possible danger; orange, unpredictable circumstances; purple,... (read all at source)
Green :
Green symbolize hope, joy, fertility, growth, learning, luck, harmony, wisdom, success nativity, innocence and some times jealousy. (read all at source)
I bent down and pick a shard of green glass out of my foot. When I stood back up, he was standing there to my left and his ex girlfriend was standing there to my right, she had come from the side of the house. (read all at source)
Pisces: Is represented by two or twin fish and is said to govern the feet and toes. Its colors are sea-green and mauve and its gemstones are coral and chrysolite. (read all at source)
Green Snake Dream
When a green snake shows up in a dream, it typically symbolizes the resurgence of the dreamer's connection with oneself. The meanings associated with green, especially when featured in a snake dream, are about nature, the earth, going back to what is true to you. (read all at source)
Dark green, battle dress green or green and black represent difficulties with sharing (jealousy, rivalry). Need to balance male and female aspects. Look for trouble with the heart. (read all at source)
Peace. Tranquillity. The Earth. Money. A journey. Good news.
Astrological parallels: Taurus. (read all at source)
The color green can represent life or new life, nature, freshness, vigor, coolness, or a relaxing environment.
See also: color... (read all at source)
If the green snake is frightening you in any way; then this dream relates to trying to overcome a difficult problem or a troublesome person. Often this dream occurs when you are suffering some kind of grief or separation in your life. (read all at source)
Green attempts to harmonize opposites. Dreaming of green pork meat, for example, means your body cannot digest pork. The dream tries to put the food in harmony with your body by making it green. In these cases always remove the food in question from your diet. Your body can not handle it. (read all at source)
Celia Green
No Dictionary Found
(Born on November 26th, 1935), British writer, philosopher and psychologist who, in 1968, published her book Lucid Dreams in which she elaborates on her empirical research on dreams, in particular Lucid Dreams. (read all at source)
Share Your experience on dreaming about Evergreen symbol.
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I was at what was apparently a summer camp, and I somehow heard of this snake (I think my mom might have told me or something?), so I went, and found this big, green snake. It was raining, then the snake moved, and the raincloud went with it. (read all at source)
Richness if dream village green - This dream announces happy prospect of future wealth, because you have deserved this
Work harder if see poor village green - This dream indicates that you do not put all your efforts in order to create better life. (read all at source)
This dream denotes boundless resources of wealth, happiness and learning. It is a free presentiment of prosperity to all classes. (read all at source)
Dream interpretation - Green
You can expect increasing security and success in all your affairs if you dreamed of a mixture of bright colors. Individually,... Continue dream interpretation - Green"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Greyhound... (read all at source)
Green is a lucky omen, symbolizing nature, good fortune, good health, and vitality. You have a desire for peace and harmony. Alternatively, green represents babyhood, materialism, jealousy, cheating or deceit.
Maroon... (read all at source)
A dream of being in a greenhouse foretells love, success and a generally bright future - unless there was something unpleasant about the greenhouse, in which case you should look up the unpleasant element(s) to see what the true meaning of your dream is. Also see "Plants"... (read all at source)
Green is a color of healing and renewal. It can represent being more natural or getting your feet firmly planted on the ground. A piece of clothing that is green is often a clue that your identity needs to become more closely aligned with who you really are. See also Colors. (read all at source)
Green is the color of plants and is associated with the heart chakra. It is the integrating or balancing point in the rainbow of colors. The color of money in many nations, green in a dream is often associated with abundance on the material plane. (read all at source)
A dream featuring the color green symbolizes self-awareness, healing, balance or harmony. The dream may suggest that you need physical or mental healing, you need to get rest or take ..Read more →
GROUP ... (read all at source)
Green can be a positive or a negative picture in dreams and visions. Green can represent things that are fresh and alive or it can also speak of immaturity - so discern the spirit of your dream or vision.
Definition For:
DREAMS AND VISIONS... (read all at source)
evergreen something that will last through the seasons. What is it that you want to keep green?
evil a part missing; do the opposite and live; bad company; someone speaking evil of another; being given 'the evil eye'. What are you afraid of? (read all at source)
To see evergreen in your dream, signifies wealth, happiness, immortality and knowledge. Additionally, it may also mean that you will find hope in the midst of despair. (read all at source)
This dream denotes boundless resources of wealth, happiness and learning. It is a free presentiment of prosperity to all classes. (read all at source)
GreenWhile we often think of being 'green with jealousy,' green in a dream can be good. It can stand for health, growth, hope, vitality, peace, and healing. It can also be symbolic of money or materialism as well as cheating or deceit. (read all at source)
Green: This is the color of nature. It is also the color of development and growth. Lighter shades of green tending towards blue represent healing. Darker, muddier shades of greens represent envy and greed, as well as a stubborn and/or self-opinionated attitude. (read all at source)
Green commonly symbolizes the fertility of Nature (as in the Green Man, the spirit of fecundity). In your dreams, therefore, it may indicate personal growth, some new development in your personality.
(1) The colour may represent old age, death (see meaning of death), depression. (read all at source)
Green is the traditional color of growing things, of fertility, of fresh young plants and fresh grass. It also represents wealth and money. Negative - greed, green with envy. (read all at source)
Green coffee, denotes you have bold enemies who will show you no quarter, but will fight for your overthrow.
Coffee House Coffee Mill Coffin Coins Coke Coke Oven Cold Collar College Colliery or Coal-Mine Collision Colonel Combat Combing Comedy Mad Dog Farewell Printer Waif Alley... (read all at source)
Green - health and happiness; mature - your wishes come true; tolochiti feet - the tread of the intentions; press - to win.
The noble dream interpretation H. Grishina... (read all at source)
Growth and serenity. There are projects which you are enthusiastic about. Great pleasures from simple things.
Orange... (read all at source)
To dream that you are in or see a greenhouse, represents transformation. You are experiencing some changes in your life brought about mainly as a result of your own doing. It also suggests that you may be too overly controlling. (read all at source)
Green coffee, interpret you have bold enemies who will show you no quarter, but will fight for your overthrow.
Coffee Mill... (read all at source)
GREEN : healing, growth, newness.
BLUE : spirituality; could be a metaphor for "being blue" (look at context of dream).
YELLOW : peacefulness, hope (as in "sunny disposition"); could be a cowardice metaphor. (read all at source)
Green countryside in a dream can represent satisfaction with your life.
If you dream that the land around you is barren, you could be feeling bored with your life.
See also Foreign Country... (read all at source)
To see green turf in your dream signifies an interesting turn of events in your waking life that will keep you preoccupied. (read all at source)
To see green apparel, is a hopeful sign of prosperity and happiness.
To see many colored apparel, foretells swift changes, and intermingling of good and bad influences in your future. (read all at source)
To see green fields, or ripe with corn or grain, denotes great abundance
and happiness to all classes.
To see newly plowed fields, denotes early rise in wealth and fortunate
advancement to places of honor. (read all at source)
Vistas of green valleys with pleasant streams running through them show that you are embarking on a wonderful change that will bring you only happiness and much peace. A barren or marshy valley denotes losses and reverses entering your life and you should take steps to guard your assets. (read all at source)
Green-green means flourishing or life, Prov. 11:28
Grey-grey is symbolic of death, Rev. 6:8
Neon-neon colors are symbolic of attracting attention
Orange-connotative of earthly qualities. Orange can also symbolize danger
Purple-royalty, Lam. 4:5... (read all at source)
Green -- fertility, renewal, wealth (greed, envy)
Red -- sacrifice, sex (carnality, taboo sex, humiliation, physical injury)
Orange -- adventure, change (forced change, disruptiveness)
Purple -- royalty, positive personal growth (injury)... (read all at source)
from outside sources; Black is an unfavourable omen unless it featured in a funeral or other appropriate situation, in which case it forecasts difficulties to be overcome; Brown means money luck; Red is a warning to curb your temper; Dark Red forecasts unexpected good news; Green... (read all at source)
see also Bread; Food Green development, growth Cayce (136-15, A-2). Gum that which must be chewed upon as a message or lesson in order to be understood Cayce (900-159, A-2). Gun 1. pistol - aggressiveness, harshness Cayce (288-20). 2. (read all at source)
Yes, Spike is my green iguana daughter. My partner and I adopted her when she was only a few months old and six inches long.
Today, she's 6 feet from tip to tail and she'll have her 11th birthday this year.
Over the years, Spike has been an effective (if not unorthodox) teacher. (read all at source)
Also see the color green.
jailer: Anything that restricts self-expression, such as guilt or self-criticism.
jewels or jewelry: Things that you or your unconscious mind might hold dear, such as your honesty or the eternal aspect of self, your dignity. (read all at source)
Flowers in his garden will blossom, his dead fields will start greening again, and he will become self-sufficient. If ill, he shall recover. If forgetful of life after death, he shall come back to his senses. (read all at source)
Lamb: To dream of lambs frolicing{sic} in green pastures, betokens chastefriendships and joys.
Bounteous and profitable crops to the farmers,and increase of possessions for others.
To see a dead lamb, signifies sadness and desolation. (read all at source)
To dream that a common spotted snake approaches you from green herbs, and you quickly step aside as it passes you, and after you had forgotten the incident to again see it approaching and growing in dimensions as it nears you, finally taking on the form of an enormous serpent; if you then,... (read all at source)
If so, the dream may be an expression of your current outlook, that is the grass is always greener on the other side. (read all at source)
Green: money, jealousy, health concerns, love. Red: passion, sexuality, anger, warning. White: purity, transformation, cleanliness, dignity. See also: Pink, Yellow, Brown, Purple, Orange GENERAL MEANINGS OF COLORS Blue = Physical healing particularly of throat, fevers, and infections. (read all at source)
The grass was really bright green and there was a heavy mist swirling around us. We all had long hair and were dressed in long muslin pale grey gowns. We were in a circle. We rose up off our feet and into the air and were slowly dancing around in the circle, singing long slow harmonies. (read all at source)
Seeing evergreen in your dream means wealth, happiness, immortality. and knowledge. Additionally, it may also mean that you will find hope in the midst of despair. (read all at source)
greenstone pendants dream interpretations
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Complete meanings of dream's symbols... (read all at source)
green dream symbol
The color green can represent life or new life, nature, freshness, vigor, coolness, or a relaxing environment. (read all at source)
Green - When dreaming of the color green the bible describes this color as growth and maturity. The bible also illustrates this color as being vegetation for man and beast. (read all at source)
my belt magically undoes itself, the button to my pants shoots off and the zipper to my pants shoots down; of course, I'm looking down, and I watch as my pants fall immediately to the floor; but what's troubling is, I'm not wearing my usual boxers, but tight, flashy bikini underwear (neon green),... (read all at source)
Example: I had a dream last night that I was walking in a lush green tropical forest similar to a place I visited as a child with my family (one of the happy, adventurous family trips) and looked similar to a Dr. Seuss book (also a happy memory), walking alone along a wide dirt path. (read all at source)
As I looked, there were water beds, like you would see rice growing in. When I looked inside to see what was in the water, I saw green leaves in the water.
Dream of Blood Poured Out To The Sea... (read all at source)
For a young woman to dream of crossing a plain, denotes that she will be fortunately situated, if the grasses are green and luxuriant; if they are arid, or the grass is dead, she will have much discomfort and loneliness.
More on the meaning of "Plain" in my dream
Paradise... (read all at source)
"And the king (of Egypt) said: "Verily, I saw (in a dream) seven fat cows, whom seven lean ones were devouring, and seven green ears of corn, and (seven) others dry. O notables! Explain to me my dream, if it be that you can interpret dreams." - Chapter 12, Verse 43... (read all at source)