Golf dreams by DreamMean
To be playing golf or watching the game, denotes that pleasant and successive wishing will be indulged in by you. To see any unpleasantness connected with golf, you will be humiliated by some thoughtless person.
Golf Dreams
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Golf in a dream is often a symbol of individual achievement. (read all at source)
Golf Joke of the Week - 10-7-04
Children's Bilingual Picture Book - A Gift for Abuelita - Day of the Dead Children's Book
The Fourth Voyage of Sindbad the Seaman - The Arabian Nights - The Thousand and One Nights - Sir Richard Burton translator... (read all at source)
Playing golf can represent many things. Consider what's going on in the golf game, who you're playing with, your feelings at the time, and what stands out about the situation. For example, golf could represent:... (read all at source)
"Wednesday night I had a dream and it was about my golf swing. I was hitting them pretty good in the dream and all at once I realized I wasn't holding the club the way I've actually been holding it lately. (read all at source)
Golf-playing golf in a dream is symbolic of your life. If you make a hole in one you are doing well. If you are playing poorly it symbolizes a period of disorder in your life
Gong-uncaring or without love, 1 Cor. 13:1... (read all at source)
To dream that you are playing or watching golf, signifies pleasant indulgences. It may also indicate that you are idling and wasting time. (read all at source)
Golf: To be playing golf or watching the game, denotes thatpleasant and successive wishing will be indulged in by you.
To see any unpleasantness connected with golf, you will behumiliated by some thoughtless person. (read all at source)
Golf 1. exercise for the physical well-being of the body Cayce (900-79; 900-85). 2. golf ball - the person or the person's own life; the word of the spiritual forces Cayce (900-99). 3. golf club - the way one goes about life Cayce (900-99). 4. (read all at source)
This morning I dreamed I was driving along a shallow stream on my right with my golf cart. To my left, on the other side of the road was forest..tall and well established. Heading towards me was a small gray car in the distance. Suddenly, and behind me I heard a fish splash. (read all at source)
This section of our Free, Online Dream Dictionary contains the Meaning of Dreams starting with the letter 'G' include the following subjects Going Bald, Gun, Golf, God, Grandparents, Girls, Gasoline, Garden, Grass, Ghost, Gossip and Guitar. (read all at source)
If you are watching a team playing a team sport, you may feel isolated from the others around you - being on the "outside looking in." Courage may be necessary for you to join with your community.
3. Participating in an individual event, such as in golf, tennis,... (read all at source)
Dreaming that you are playing or watching golf means pleasant indulgences. It may also indicate that you are idling and wasting time. (read all at source)
Golf can also be a sexual metaphor. Any dream about getting something in the hole can be a sexual metaphor. One dreamer in our study had a golf dream after waking up sexually aroused. Freud clearly understood sexual dreams - the mind will use many different symbols to express sexual arousal. (read all at source)
Golf :
Golf always symbolizes the relationship to the opposite sex. (read all at source)
Golf bag
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
In a dream, a golf bag represents the keeper of one's secrets, or it could represent one's mistress. If any of its contents are exposed, or if they peak from its opening end in the dream, it means divulging one's secrets. (read all at source)
Golf Balls
To dream about golf balls represents your worries about wasting time on something.
Golf Cart... (read all at source)
golf a place to make contacts; a lot of walking and hitting things. What are you driving at?
gondola a trip to Venice; being 'taken for a ride'; keeping score. Who is off to Venice?
gong a signal; a warning; having dinner prepared for you. What important item have you forgotten? (read all at source)
A game of golf representing a wish to get closer and closer to the answer! It's hardly a metaphor which makes immediate sense. Why would the mind make use of a comparison which makes no sense to the dreamer? It's symbolic value was not even immediately understood by the person himself!... (read all at source)