Gnome Computers, gnomic, Gnomical, Gnomically, gnomish, Gnomologic, Gnomology, gnomon, Gnomonic, Gnomonically, Gnomonics, Gnomonist, Gnomonology
Dream Dictionary
Definition:... (read all at source)
Gnome Symbolism
Christmas Symbolism
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Christmas Gnome Symbolism ... (read all at source)
To see a gnome in your dream, signifies the inner child and its fantasies. What is your heart lacking?
Goalie... (read all at source)
gnome a mischievous part of you has a message, believe the unbelievable; guarding the treasures you keep underground. (See elf) Who is the odd, 'little person' you know? (read all at source)
Garden gnomes due to their shape indicate your kidneys.
Garden path
A back garden path is about your colon or elimination system. If it is a cement path, the dream is saying that food is caked onto the walls of your colon and you need to do something to eliminate this condition. (read all at source)
Love; Front: facing life or the future; Back: colon, influences from the past. Basement: uterus; Path: colon; Shed: colon; Trees: Reproductive system; Gnomes-Kidneys.
See also: Queen , Labor , Ideal , Vehicle , Zora Neale Hurston
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:... (read all at source)
Whether the fairy in your dream was of a pixie, a gnome or just a plain garden-variety fairy, these charming creatures... Continue dream interpretation - Gnome"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Goal... (read all at source)
Primordial form of the spirit(soul); embodiment of the image creating activity of the unconscious. Depending on its massage or wisdom, it may represent the archetypal Wise Old Man or Woman. The spirit may also appear as a gnome, or boy, or talking animal. (read all at source)
On Dreams, by Sir Thomas Browne - Classic British Essays - British and American Speeches and Essays
Paranormal Story Archive - December 2001 - Page 1 - Bizarre Gnome Sighting
The College Thanksgiving Dump -- How to Handle Being Dumped in College Over Thanksgiving... (read all at source)