Gleaning dream meaning

Gleaning dreams by DreamMean
To see gleaners at work at harvest time, denotes prosperous business, and, to the farmer, a bountiful yield of crops. If you are working with the gleaners, you will come into an estate, after some trouble in establishing rights. For a woman, this dream foretells marriage with a stranger.

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To see gleaners at work at harvest time, interpret prosperous business, and, to the farmer, a bountiful yield of crops. (read all at source)

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extreme, featheredged, fierce, filler, fine, fission, florilegium, flowering plant, flowers, forceful, forcible, formative, form-function unit, fortifying, fragment, fragments, free form, freezing, freezing cold, frigid, function, fungus, furious, gametophyte, gathering, gelid, glacial, gleaning,... (read all at source)

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See also related symbols: Elbows, Mule, Moon, Honeysuckle, Ballet, Nuptial, Hunger, Bier, Carrot, Pencil, Rocket, Dew, Autumn, Ottoman, Architect, Talisman, License, Mare, Otter, Molasses, Faithless, Circle, Gleaning, Kidneys, Bracelet, Lazy, Chastise, Madness, Altar, Lovely, Rattle, Eel, Alum,... (read all at source)

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This encapsulates the divine journey in which man is born, moves through his world ever-gleaning more insight into his true identity and finally, (ideally) returns to the site of his first breath to realize he is immortal in his existence because of the path he chooses. (read all at source)

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