Dreaming of a giant can mean two things. If you're scared of the giant, you're aware of problems looming over you that you're unwilling to face. If the giant is friendly, it could mean your life is about to expand in a big way.
gift... (read all at source)
To dream of a giant appearing suddenly before you, denotes that there will be a great struggle between you and your opponents. If the giant succeeds in stopping your journey, you will be overcome by your enemy. If he runs from you, prosperity and good health will be yours. (read all at source)
Seeing a giant in your dream means of a great struggle between you and your opponents. This may prove to be a major and overwhelming obstacle for you to overcome. Alternatively, a giant may be symbolic of an issue or feeling that is dominating you. (read all at source)
Giant-a giant is a large spiritual enemy that you will need God's power to overcome, 1 Sam. 17:4
Gifts-symbolic of the love of Christ, Eph. 4:8
Girl Scout-a very helpful and courteous person... (read all at source)
Since all characters in a dream represent you, dreaming of a giant or ‘larger than life’ entity can personify the added emphasis you are putting on a certain aspect of your persona. (read all at source)
Giant Dreams
Written by dreamdictionary.net
When you are a child, your parents can look like giants to you, so if you dream about a giant you may feel that you are being treated like a child, or you may be feeling helpless. (read all at source)
Found a giant parasite in your leg symbolizing the tension that you have built up in your body.
Had to undergo surgery to remove a giant parasite from your heart charka, showing energetic build up in this area. (read all at source)
Giant - Positive: godly men (as in 'a giant of the faith'); strong; conquer; Negative: demons; defilement (as in the Philistine Giant Goliath)
Harlot / Prostitute - a tempting situation; appealing to your flesh; worldly desire; a demon; spirit of lust; spiritual apostasy... (read all at source)
Indian (Hindu), Hinduism Sivananda Saraswati
Great difficulty to be encountered. But meet it with boldness. Then it will vanish. This indicates that you will have an enemy of the most dreadful character.. (read all at source)
To dream of giants is indicative of feeling disempowered. The key to where/how we feel this will be afforded to the dreamer via the secondary content of the dream.
- also see Dream Dictionary: Present... (read all at source)
Giant tidal waves from your dream may be symbolic of current emotional unhappiness and psychological stress that may be threatening to destroy or uproot you. The outcome of this dream could reveal to you how much strength you have to "ride out" this storm. (read all at source)
The giant fish is a sort of transition, between something small and peaceful, to something frightening. This happens quite a bit in dreams - something familiar and comforting becomes threatening. You may be feeling uncertain in one or more relationships. (read all at source)
To see a giant in your dream, indicates a great struggle between you and your opponents. If the giant succeeds in stopping your journey, you won't be able to overcome your rival.
God... (read all at source)
The figure of the giant refers to a too-powerful father-figure. The giant symbolizes the threatening aspects of unconscious male drives or instincts.
Gift... (read all at source)
Giant :
A giant either indicate that you feel guilty, or that you have an inferiority complex. (read all at source)
giant feeling small and insignificant; a tall, imposing person in your life; feelings overwhelming you; parental authority, particularly the father. What is being 'blown out of proportion'? (read all at source)
Giant - self-doubt growing out of proportion; making mountains out of molehills
Giraffe - reaching out
Girl - sensative part of self. girlish attitudes (which can be positive or negative) See Masculine/Feminine Traits... (read all at source)
Giant hands in a dream, especially if they are your own, mean someone in your life is too demanding of you. However, this dream can also mean success in achieving your goals.
Small hands in a dream, whether yours or somebody else's, suggest that you are feeling insecure, or under attack. (read all at source)
giant: Power; inferiority if you are small and intimidated by the giant.
gift: Acknowledgment.
girl: The yin aspect of self and the receptive, nurturing quality of self. Whereas a girlfriend is the feminine ideal. What qualities of the ideal are you willing to take into yourself? (read all at source)
see also Ball Giant 1. poeple or conditions which ridicule or are oppressive to self Cayce (900-113). 2. conditions which seem to be a hindrance Cayce (137-38). 3. foreboding of distressing or disagreeable conditions Cayce (137-38). 4. the forces of ridicule (i.e. (read all at source)
Big or giant dog means relaxation - Large dogs symbolizes mitigation of problems and relief in the waking life;
The act of carrying or moving means strengths - To carry a dog in arms, means that the dreamer is very powerful and has the control of his impulses. (read all at source)
All of a sudden 2 Giant hairy purple spiders came out of no where and begin to talk to me. I was of course scared. (read all at source)
volatile anger; the explosive thunder will recklessly carry on its bombardment; bells will ring, strange knocking will be heard--symbols of a message--phantom forms will be seen, familiar voices will call and plead with you, unknown visitors will threaten you, unearthly struggles with hideous giants... (read all at source)
I was just there talking to people and watching the baby when a giant grey and white and black snake came up and just started rubbing and slithering all over the baby. (read all at source)
At this point it seems like a giant hardwood tree. I snap a twig and it smells very nice - a perfumed wood. Other branches are going rotten. Walking around to the back of the tree to see if the bark is rotten I notice a hole where bees or wasps have a colony. (read all at source)
Dreaming of meeting a giant implies meeting challenges boldly and with confidence. Killing a giant is an omen of success beyond your wildest dreams.
2. Dreaming of being a giant sometimes indicates overconfidence. Be cautious of any new enterprises at this time. (read all at source)
The sun was worshipped as a god in many cultures. It is the giant ball of flame that lights up our days. What does it mean when you dream about the sun?
The sun is a symbol of power, of energy, of strength. So look at how the sun figures in your dream. (read all at source)
A Cyclops is known as mythical giant with one eye in the middle of his forehead. It could represent:... (read all at source)
One has to do with a giant octopus and the other's about McDonald's... Should I share them anyway?
Up to you completely, but I have looked up Octopus and it isn't there. Might be able to help with more details though.
Lady Guinevere 5 years ago from West Virginia Level 5 Commenter... (read all at source)
Elephants are gentle giants. Is that how you see yourself? Tough on the outside but gentle within? Also consider whether the elephant’s long trunk is a reminder to keep your nose out of business that doesn’t concern you. (read all at source)
Giant things can often indicate ways in which the world and other people are having a big affect on you? Who is causing you grief? What huge problem has just emerged?
EXAMPLE DREAMS... (read all at source)
The severed head of Bran the Blessed (a legendary Celtic god of giant proportions) remained animated after its disembodiment. Bran knew he was going to die anyway ( from an injury made by a poisonous spear), so he asked his men to cut off his head and inter it upon holy ground. (read all at source)