It stills the chattering as our focus is funneled to the center of the triquetra. Once centered, we are able to feel the connection with the spiritual trinity, and thus become one with the source of power. Also see my page on the triskelion symbol meaning. (read all at source)
To see a funnel in your dream symbolizes your need to release and channel your emotions. You should not keep your feelings inside.
Fur... (read all at source)
funnel dream symbol
Controlling or limiting the flow or direction of something such as of liquid, money, a process, a decision, or otherwise... (read all at source)
Controlling or limiting the flow or direction of something such as of liquid, money, a process, a decision, or otherwise
Also pay attention to the dynamics of the funnel (for example, a slow-draining funnel might represent a bottleneck, delay, or hold-up in a real-life flow or process). (read all at source)
Funnel :
A funnel symbolizes confusion. (read all at source)
Funneling liquid from one container to another refers to moving emotions, perhaps between you and someone else. You may be picking up the emotions of someone close to you or vice versa. Some people have this dream when their bladders are full in real life.
fur... (read all at source)
effete, elephantine, empty, empty-headed, empty-minded, empty-pated, empty-skulled, enclosed space, etiolated, excavate, excavation, fade, fallacious, false, famished, fatuitous, fatuous, featureless, feigned, fenestra, fistula, flat, fold, follicle, fontanel, foramen, fraudulent, fruitless, funnel... (read all at source)
If your dream featured the use of a funnel, it signifies a period of confusion during which you will have to... Continue dream interpretation - Funnel"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Furnace... (read all at source)
hands reaching out
Climbing a brick wall
funnel cloud tornado
kiss and hug by someone you love
Being chased by dogs... (read all at source)
- Spectacular tsunami scares off surfer - dream symbolism
- Dream of a huge tornado funnel
- Attractive ladies - dream interpretation
- Dream symbolism - disaster as earthquake hits Washington
- Suburban area and suicide spot - dream analysis... (read all at source)