Frozen Food
A dream of frozen food represents something that has been suppressed, rejected, or denied.
Fruit... (read all at source)
Being frozen means that you’re sealed in time. The rest of the world moves on, but you. Do you feel frozen in your dream, or is someone or something else locked in an icy envelope? What wants to stand still? What are the benefits of not progressing any further? (read all at source)
Anything that is cold or frozen in a dream represents the idea that you are cut off from your feelings, or you are keeping an idea 'on ice' rather than processing and releasing it. (read all at source)
frozen time to thaw out; frozen emotions; feeling unable to move; scared. (See defrost) What needs to be thawed out?
fruit more sweetness needed; something is coming to fruition; full and juicy; a nutty person. What is about to bear fruit? (read all at source)
Frozen state of feelings. Anxiety without cause. Obstacles in business affairs.
Loss of control. Insecure. Misery and afflictions. (read all at source)
Ice or something frozen can represent:
Rigidity, stubbornness, or unchangeability
Brittleness or fragility
Cold-heartedness or unwelcoming
Dormancy, a rest period, or being "on hold"... (read all at source)
Polar bears live in the frozen water and, as such, may symbolize a need to delve into old, frozen emotions to find the truth in a situation. Because polar bears are white, they blend in completely with their background and hunt from under the cover of this camouflage. (read all at source)
Frozen emotions. Walk on thin ice - to risk or to be in a suspicious situation. Slide on the ice - so do not be confident in yourself, do not feel solid ground under their feet.
Maya Dream Interpretation... (read all at source)
Frozen - emotional self closed down. Frigid emotions.
Fruit - new life, new developments; fruit of your labors.
Funeral - axiety over your health; thoughts of approaching death. Planning for the end of something in your life. (read all at source)
To see a frozen stream in your dream, indicates that your emotions have grown cold and hardened. This may reflect your hurt feelings which you need to confront and deal with.
Street... (read all at source)
Pizza-a frozen pizza symbolizes unpreparedness
Plague-a symbol of God’s judgment on sin, Ps. 38:11, Rev. 2:23
Plane-this can symbolize a world-wide ministry for a Chris�tian or a fast-paced lifestyle for a non-believer... (read all at source)
empty, empyema, entirely, epidemic pleurodynia, etiolated, eunuchized, exanimate, exclusive, expressionless, extinct, fade, faint, familiar, far, fervorless, fibrinous pneumonia, flat, flinthearted, flu, forbidding, forward, freezing, freezing cold, frigid, frigidity, frosted, frosty, frozen,... (read all at source)
Example dream : Losing in a dream linked to the dreamer who was feeling frozen out by a group of friends. He felt sulky and was beginning to accept he had lost these friends.
Example dream : Losing a camera was linked to the dreamers failing health and vitality. (read all at source)
The material which makes up the avalanche is snow, and snow is frozen water. Water symbolizes your emotions, the unconscious, and, at times, life itself. Therefore, this dream is about rapidly and violently descending emotions and thoughts. (read all at source)
Ice can appear in very different forms in dreams, such as rivers of lake with a frozen surface, fear of freezing, hail, icebergs, frozen windows etc. (read all at source)
Hail in a dream is indicative that the dreamer is being pounded by frozen emotions; either their own or someone else's - frozen emotions refers to cold type feelings.
- see Dream Dictionary: Body
Hairdresser ... (read all at source)
In the dream landscape, ice or a frozen-over river or lake are danger signals. They indicate relationships growing sterile, spiritual frigidity and isolation.
Idols... (read all at source)
We went around back and then we turned around and walked up the side of the house and the ground was frozen. In the driveway there were ice puddles==that were water when we were there in the springtime. He helped me walk over then as he slipped and slided, but didn't fall on those ice puddles. (read all at source)
Water in dreams often symbolizes the emotions, so hail in a dream can represent emotions that have become frozen.
If you dream about hail, you may have had a traumatic experience, and you are not ready to deal with the emotional pain that this experience has caused you. (read all at source)
Ice can also reflect the feeling of being "frozen" or paralyzed with fear, guilt, or other anxieties.
The Freudians also suggest that ice in a dream can symbolize sexual frigidity or repressed sexual desires.
Could you or someone [.]... (read all at source)
Dream Symbols: dream is in black & white, hallway, shadows, skyscraper, door, shooting, dead, window, running, hospital, enemies, frozen, doctors, alley, car, death scream, red.
Dream Symbols: naked, bed, feet, mice, #8, feet on ground. (read all at source)
Also, the contents of the refrigerator has something to do with your life. Are you staring at instant foods, or frozen ones, or too many leftovers, or mostly gooey, soupy foods, or foods past their shelf-life? If we are what we eat, then we are what we also store in our fridge. (read all at source)
If the whole world is cold or frozen over in your dream, this signifies that you need to be more objective in your decision making - don't let your emotions get the better of you. Competition Represents your need to grow and expand. Learn the value of endurance and perseverance. (read all at source)
We are walking up the trail when we come across a frozen stream. Its not really frozen though. It looks like the water is all crystals. Like those rocks that you break open and they have purple colorful formations inside. (read all at source)
Frozen and hidden emotions Iceberg can be understood as the whole personality, which is seen only a small part of the personality. The rest part extends only beyond the threshold of consciousness. Which may be revived from freeze. The frozen feelings and emotions, bad experience or pain. (read all at source)
Frozen food :
This symbolize a nice experience. (read all at source)
A frozen chicken indicates that you are being cold in your relationship and need to be warmer towards your partner. (read all at source)
Freeze Frozen
Place Environment
Cold Coldness
Being cold emotionally or sexually. It depicts what is meant by the term cold shoulder, where we shut off any display of warmth or compassion. It also therefore shows the dreamer as having 'frozen assets' in a personal sense. (read all at source)
I had a dream my baby boy was drowning in a frozen lake. I jumped in to save him, my armed where instantly froze. I couldn't reach for him. He was slowly going down I was right behind him, I just could reach or move my arms till I couldn't see him in the deep water. Dreams don't normally bother me. (read all at source)
Dream interpretation - Frozen
Preservation. Restraint. Feelings need to be resolve.... Continue dream interpretation - Frozen"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Fruit... (read all at source)
To dream that something is frozen, represents something that has been suppressed, rejected, or denied. (read all at source)