The French philosopher Voltaire said centuries ago "It is no more surprising to be born twice than once, everything in nature is resurrection." In the Universal Language of Mind, death signifies a change from one state of being to another. (read all at source)
french fries dream symbol
french fries
Individual concepts, like ideas or problems
Fun or childhood
Poor nutrition or nourishment for body, emotions, mind, or soul... (read all at source)
French Horn
In general:
Horn shows that one enjoys sympathy of others. (read all at source)
french fries
Individual concepts, like ideas or problems
Fun or childhood
Poor nutrition or nourishment for body, emotions, mind, or soul... (read all at source)
If you do no speak French and you hear French in your dream means a sensual and romantic part of yourself. It is often referred to as the language of love. Perhaps you are unwilling to understand or not giving enough attention to some waking relationship. (read all at source)
Beheading by guillotine was invented to speed up executions of the French aristocracy. By putting yourself in that role, you seem to be saying that you currently rule the school. (read all at source)
French Dream Book
If you had a hand - a dream means that your friends will be faithful to you in an evil hour. A broken arm - predicts disease your friend, family adversity. Swollen hands - promise unexpected enrichment. (read all at source)
French Fries
To see or eat french fries in your dream, suggests that you should not overlook the seemingly trivial or small things in life.
Fruit... (read all at source)
french kissing a tall boyfriend in a dream
deceased faked death
flying fish
hail storm in dream... (read all at source)
French - Thomas
About Dreamhawk
Dreamhawk is the website of author and dream analyst Tony Crisp. It contains a fully searchable online Dream Dictionary, Dream Enclopedia, and many other articles... (read all at source)
(1822-1892), French sinologist and one of the pioneers in the field of oneirology.
See also: Paint and Painting , Madstone , Quadrille , Tambourine , Bail
Dream-Dictionary INDEX:... (read all at source)
Cazotte, the French philosopher and transcendentalist, warned Condorcet against the manner of his death.
People dream now, the same as they did in medieval and ancient times. (read all at source)
Adieu is the French word for goodbye. If you speak French
In a dream, the sea can symbolize the emotions, so an admiral in a dream can represent the part of you that directs the way you navigate through difficult emotions. (read all at source)
To see or eat French Fries in your dream, suggests that you should not overlook the frivolous and seemingly minute things in life.
Friday... (read all at source)
* Nicholas Flamel - French Alchemist
Read about Nicholas Flamel's visit by an angel.
* Dante Alighieri - Italian Poet of the Middle Ages... (read all at source)
that is, German shepherd, Irish setter, or French poodle? This may indicate that you have an affiliation with that particular country. You may have a desire to visit the country, or you may associate an aspect of the country with yourself. Do you hunger for companionship, or does someone you know? (read all at source)
Could hear or speak any of the following: Spanish, French, Chinese, Afrikaans, Albanian, Arabic, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Swedish,... (read all at source)
For most of us, the image of the guillotine is firmly connected with the French revolution, where the unwashed masses of France rose up against the cultured, powdered elite. So if your dream involves the guillotine, think about the people in your life that are affecting you. (read all at source)
The Americans fought for liberty in their war of Independence as did the French during their revolution. But we all have our own battles which seem equally as important. The small and insignificant fight for the liberty to say what they think. (read all at source)
I saw as like in French Revolution were all of that leaders lost their heads. I stood looking at that coin and wondering what this meant. As I stood looking at the coin and still rubbing it, for I felt compelled to rub it. (read all at source)
If you dream of seeing eclairs on a tray with French pastries in a restaurant or hotel dining room, it is... Continue dream interpretation - Eclair"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Eclipse... (read all at source)
This false identification of the Lakota came in error when 18th century French fur traders asked the Ojibwe's what kind of people lived to the west. They said "sioux" which in Ojibwe language means "enemy" - not a tribal name. The word "Lakota" actually means ally. (read all at source)
Paris in Greek legend, son of the king of Troy; his abduction of Helen, the wife of the king of Sparta, caused the Trojan War; wanting excitement; romance and indulgence; a French connection. Who's the bored young man that you know? (read all at source)
- Dream symbolism - french oral exam
- Crashing down a huge hill dream
- Saved from castle dream interpretation
- Must save myself in a tidal wave - dream analysis
- Job application and seamstress dream analysis
- Seduction - dream analysis
- Dream - skating down highway and primary school... (read all at source)
Please see "Potato Chips" or "French Fries"
Dreaming of chocolate could mean you feel unappreciated for a recent success. It can also signify the need for special treatment from an unattentive friend or loved one. (read all at source)