What is fundamental in us is often so deeply buried we are unaware of it. For instance babies raised by animals never learn to speak or to become self aware. They remain an animal with all the behaviour traits of the animal that reared them. (See: Animal Children). (read all at source)
Dreaming that you found something, suggests that you are coming into contact with some aspect of your psyche or unconscious. You are recognizing a part of yourself that was previously repressed or undeveloped. Alternatively, it represents change. (read all at source)
Dreams that are Found in the Holy Bible: Joseph
There were many of the saints of God that were dreamers and you can find their dreams and stories written and found in the Holy Bible. (read all at source)
That purpose can be found in your family, your friends, your profession, your creative passion, your humanitarian vision, your spirituality. The most important thing to know about your purpose is that you have to actually DO it, not just think about it. (read all at source)
Dreams concentrate on themes which are common throughout life. So if you had a dream about finding and searching out a killer it may seem bizzare yet think of the emotions it makes you think of and see how they are relevant to life right now. (read all at source)
Foundation - important foundational issues; established; stable or unstable (depending on the context); the gospel; sound doctrine; church government
Front Porch - vision; future
Garage - place to rest & refresh; place of protection; covering for ministries or people... (read all at source)
found her
by: Mike
funny thing, I've met my destined lover more or less a week ago :)... (read all at source)
Definition For:
A foundation is something that sets you in place. If you dream of the foundation of a old house you stayed in, in the past, it represents everything you were and everything that was built into you at that time. (read all at source)
Brass founder
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
(Foundry) In a dream, a brass founder represents someone who loves money and the possessions of this world. If one sees brass being shaped over an anvil in a dream, it means a fight. (read all at source)
Found yourself in your dream back at college.
Sat in a classroom at college.
Been in an unfamiliar college.
Had to take an exam without any preparation at college.
Encountered the inability to answer questions from the teacher. (read all at source)
Box or container
Consider what the shape means to you personally, and the context in which it appears in the dream. (read all at source)
Foundation. Need to create some stability.
Beauty. Happiness. Pleasure. Blossoming. (read all at source)
Foundation Stabilization and Repair: Brick foundation absorbing moisture and popping off paster inside
How to Determine the Market Value of a Classic Car
Your True Tales - October 2004 - Page 22 - Precognitive Dream
Top 10 Deals on Wheels... (read all at source)
To see the foundation of a building, represents your belief system. You are well-prepared for any situation before you.
To dream that the foundation is shifting, suggests that you are changing your beliefs about something.
Fountain... (read all at source)
found a diamond ring on a podium near a fluffy cat. The ring looked too small but fit perfectly.
Smiley says:... (read all at source)
foundation: What you have built your life upon.
kitchen: Nourishment.
porch: Where you meet the world. Where you are approachable. (read all at source)
A foundation, such as a set of beliefs, values, relationships and other factors that form the basis of a person's life and experience
What is obvious, visible, or know to others (whereas something underground is not obvious or could be secret)... (read all at source)
I found myself thinkin' of you today
the way it used to be
when you were the only one
like a long lost friend
It never goes away
whatever you do
You'll always be the only one. (read all at source)
I found this dream difficult to understand. The previous night the dreamer had been thinking about something intensely. He had been trying to write an essay. Each time he rewrote it he was getting closer and closer to the explanation he wanted. He was refining his views. (read all at source)
I found it interesting that it 'happened ' to rain and my roof leaked on the very night I asked for a dream to help me with my weight issues. Also that was the same night I didn't remember any dreams and I usually remember many. (read all at source)
If you found this article of interest, here are a couple of other suggestions:
What do Dreams About People Dying in Water Mean?
Recurring Dreams: Middle Childhood and Preteens
Comments about Dreams of Water... (read all at source)
If you found (or received) a nugget of any precious metal in your dream, you can expect an opportunity that will... Continue dream interpretation - Nugget"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Numb... (read all at source)
I also found a definition of Ancestors which said "Ancestors. You will have some unexpected honor if you dreamed of ancestors, whether your own or not."
denisewrtr37 5 years ago from Philadelphia... (read all at source)
In dreams, found this unusual moment, as the appearance of a certain sense: literally every person, object, or the association can enter into a force taboo, with both negative and positive character. (read all at source)
Lost and Found-Lose/Gain: Lost= Truth lost through tradition; gift lost through neglect; . Finding Silver Coins or Knives=Receiving revelation knowledge, soul lost through sin. Found=Revelations or gifts received from God, (See Silver, and Knives). (Col 2:8; John 6:12; Jer 15:16)... (read all at source)
Guitars are found in just about every band out there, from folk bands to heavy metal rock bands. They are a way of expressing emotion and experience. (read all at source)
No Dictionary Found
In the Quantitative Coding System there are 7 subclasses of friendly interactions that may occur in a dream. They are:
1 - Friendliness expressed through a desire for a long-term close relationship with a character.(ex.: getting married, falling in love, etc.)... (read all at source)
Deepest foundation in a spiritual sense. The source and depth of spiritual feeling.
::... (read all at source)
I have always found that when my mind is focused on this topic, whether I tell myself to start remembering dreams or not, I do begin to remember more dreams. Perhaps my subconscious stays aware of my desire to learn more about my dreams and therefore enables me to remember more of them. (read all at source)
Bows are often found wrapped around presents, so if you dream of a bow, it can mean that you wish to be rewarded for something. You may have been working very hard and believe that your efforts have not been appreciated enough. (read all at source)
the foundation for a way of life Cayce (900-112). 3. a transition Cayce (288-14). Bull 1. hardheadedness or stubbornness (i.e., "bull-headed") Cayce (294-36, A-2). 2. bull market (dreamer was a stock investor) Cayce (137-115). (read all at source)
The ancients found the darkness a source of great fear, and so dreaming of darkness could be calling your attention to a fear you have that needs to be dealt with.
2. (read all at source)
' Foundation is applied to even out skin tone and can suggest covering up feelings. It can have the added message of exploring the foundation of your feelings. Cosmetics usually have the association of ‘covering up’ the senses or real identity. (read all at source)
I dreamt that I found myself in the cockpit of a United Airlines jet flying east. I didn't know how to fly it. There were no dials or controls, just a silver dashboard with buttons I couldn't read. (read all at source)
Blacksmith - The foundation that provides inner strength and endurance.
Blade - The cutting edge of something in your life that can be threatening. Walking a thin line, a precarious position that you are in. (read all at source)
A sense of having foundation.
angel & fairy - Spirituality, a messenger of words or showing the way or giving an example. Encouragement that you are not alone. Can be your Higher Self preparing you for a future event.
ant - Little things or events that annoy and irritate you. (read all at source)
Feet To see your own feet in a dream symbolizes your foundation, stability and sense of understanding. You may need to be more practical and sensible, or it can mean you are ready for more independence and freedom in your life. (read all at source)
I dreamnt that i found different types of spiders like tranchila and smaller ones and even one with red strip on its back on this bag and i took them out by accident but i didn't touch them, they were all together and on this paper i pulled out of the bag. (read all at source)
If the partner in your dream was a total stranger then the dream may be much more personal and profound. (read all at source)
It is the symbol of the passive and the undifferentiated state which may be found deep within the psyche. Chinese refer to it as "liquid silver" and it corresponds to the dragon and to bodily fluids of blood, semen, water and, at times, to the kidneys. (read all at source)
It is often below ground (or at least some parts of it), and is essentially the foundation of the house. Dreaming about a basement and understanding the dream, may provide you with valuable information which may lead to greater self-awareness. A recurring dream about basements (i.e. (read all at source)
I dreamt I had bought a huge house and found a snake in it and then it started chasing me, then the snake caught up to me and bit me on my right arm. The bite swollen up a little, but didn't hurt. Then after the snake bit me I killed it with gardening tool. (read all at source)
You may have found yourself in a new situation in waking life and are unsure of how to cope with it. Dreaming that you are surrounded by aliens can be a sign that you feel like you do not fit in with the people around you. (read all at source)
Studies still haven't found out exactly why we get nightmares, but they think it may be due to the anxiety that we face everyday in our walking life. If your currently talking drugs or medications your nightmares will be vivid and more intense. (read all at source)
Seeing a hook in a dream could indicate success or that you’ve finally found someone’s hot button—that is, you’ve worked out the hook that finally makes your scheme work.Does the hook in your dream symbolize being trapped—are you getting hooked in? (read all at source)
You may experience a higher consciousness, new-found freedom and greater awareness. To dream that you transfer planes, implies an important transitional phase in your life which will take you away from your intended path. (read all at source)
Mankind is now on the threshold of profound evolution and spiritual revelation. (read all at source)
I first started when I was a kid, I found out a way to wake myself on demand but now I have full control now. (read all at source)
Dreams about the ground and soil represent having a solid foundation for life, in terms of your own inner strength, and your support system of friends and family. (read all at source)
It acts as your foundation. It also holds you in place, which can be either beneficial or detrimental. If you need to let go of a situation, this dream advises you to do it now. If you've been contemplating making some kind of commitment, it's a good time to do so. (read all at source)
To see a long bridge dilapidated, and mysteriously winding into darkness, profound melancholy over the loss of dearest possessions and dismal situations will fall upon you. To the young and those in love, disappointment in the heart's fondest hopes, as the loved one will fall below your ideal. (read all at source)
To dream of a large, handsomely dressed crowd of people at some entertainment, could denote pleasant association with friends; but anything occurring to spoil the pleasure of the guests, could denote distress and loss of friendship, and unhappiness will be found where profit and pleasant intercourse... (read all at source)
for women profound respect, and love from the opposite sex as well as her own;
but if she is a transgressor in the eyes of religion, she will find that there
are moral laws, which, if disregarded, will place her outside the pale
of honest recognition. She should look well after her conduct. If she... (read all at source)
To see leaves in your dream denotes new found hope for enhancing and enriching every facet in your life. It is symbolic of your coming of age, maturity and readiness to face the world. On the other hand, it also indicates phases of your life and of days passed. (read all at source)
Orange also has to do with assimilation of new ideas and can indicate a profound change in perspective is being attempted or required. The sacral chakra, which is located close to the stomach, is energized by this color and helps with assimilation / digestion of new ideas. (read all at source)
The dream has a positive significance if money is found unexpectedly. Losing money, on the other hand, indicates that certain talents or potentialities in the dreamer's life are not being exploited in reality.The saving of large amounts of money in a dream is not necessarily positive. (read all at source)
To see your own feet, symbolizes your foundation, mobility, freedom, independence and stability. Perhaps you have taken a step in the right direction and are contemplating your goals or your next step. If you have no feet, then it foretells many obstacles in your path. (read all at source)
If you found keys does this indicate luck. If they were destroyed you can either experience quarrels, or the dream symbolize a lost opportunity. If you got a key you will get help. If you turned a key around you will get new opportunities. A key can also be used to find the solution of a problem. (read all at source)
Poppies: Poppies seen in dreams, represents a season of seductive pleasuresand flattering business, but they all occupy unstable foundations.
If you inhale the odor of one, you will be the victim of artfulpersuasions and flattery. (read all at source)
Dreaming of feathers can have as many interpretations as there are feathers, depending on their actions, their colors, the type of bird that furnished them and where they were found. Try correlating all the know factors to glean the real answer from your dream. (read all at source)
To lose a mortgage, if it cannot be found again, implies loss and worry.
If you find yourself morose in dreams, you will awake to find the world, as far as you are concerned, going fearfully wrong. (read all at source)
Tranquility; fertility; a lunar or feminine symbol. As the fourth foundation stone of the New Jerusalem, it is related to the tribe of Asher and to doing service to the community or society. Christian symbolism of the emerald include faith; immortality; purity. (read all at source)
A dream where there is a peacock symbolizes new found wisdom or knowledge. The dream suggests that you feel the need to display boldness and confidence, have high social status ..Read more →
PELICAN ... (read all at source)
To dream of locusts, foretells discrepancies will be found in your business, for which you will worry and suffer. For a woman, this dream foretells she will bestow her affections upon ungenerous people.
Lodger... (read all at source)
To dream of building a fence, denotes that you are, by economy and industry, laying a foundation for future wealth. For a young woman, this dream denotes success in love affairs; or the reverse, if she dreams of the fence falling, or that she falls from it. (read all at source)
1. Animals in general represent habits, urges, instincts and aspects we attribute to them which are found in ourselves.
2. Baby is a new idea, new concept or ideal - something you have just given birth to, a responsibility you have accepted. It is your 'baby' personal project 'thing' to do. (read all at source)
"Without knowing how, I was (in my dream) on a boat, I waded through clear blue water to a wharfboat, which I found to be snow white, but rough and splintry. The next evening I had a delightful male caller, but he remained beyond the time prescribed by mothers and I was severely censured for it."... (read all at source)
On the above date I dreamed that after playing our usual evening games we took our departure for our rooms, and on the way up the second flight of stairs I heard a slight movement behind me; on looking around I found I was being followed by a tall figure robed in a long, loose white gown,... (read all at source)
For a young woman to dream that she is spending borrowed money, foretells that she will be found out in her practice of deceit, and through this lose a prized friend.
Also See Money.
Cash Box... (read all at source)
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Dream Interpretation and Meanings of Various Images... (read all at source)
Sigmund Freud first argued that the motivation of all dream content is wish-fulfilment, and that the instigation of a dream is often to be found in the events of the day preceding the dream, which he called the "day residue."... (read all at source)
True story: my mother & I visited my grandmother's grave one afternoon to find a living, breathing peacock standing there staring at us. When I found out that it symbolized "joy in the afterlife," you can imagine how special that was. How often does one find a peacock standing on a grave? (read all at source)