DREAM DICTIONARY - Formula one :
If dreams are metaphors which capture current emotions then a formula one car should be easy to understand. We say things like "he thinks he is a racing driver" so think of metaphors like that and you may start to understand what has triggered your dream. (read all at source)
Formulate a Focus for your Dream
When going to bed, create a single idea which you would like to be the focus of your lucid dream. It helps to write a specific phrase down and to add a visual image such as a picture or symbol to fix the idea in your mind. (read all at source)
The formula for these dreams may be thus stated: They are concealed realizations of repressed desires.
Moreover, dreams are so intimately bound up with language that Ferenczi truly points out that every tongue has its own language of dreams. A dream is as a rule untranslatable into other languages. (read all at source)
recipe: Formulaic pattern.
redhead: Tempestuous and dramatic.
remodeling: Restructuring the house of the self. (read all at source)
H2O - this formula I saw clearly in my dream. So it refers to meaning of water. Yes?
admin says:... (read all at source)
Preparing Baby Formula
Water for Babies and How Advice Changes Over Time
Summer Safety for Your Baby - Infant Safety Tips During Summer
Week Four Q&A
Swimming with your Baby... (read all at source)
There is no magic formula for interpreting dreams and even though some of the dream interpretations listed in this dream dictionary may seem rather abstract,... (read all at source)
an image to show the "formulative spirit" or spirit that emanates (e.g., the Statue of Liberty represents the spirit of a nation) Cayce (262-2). Step 1. the Way (i.e., the ladder to heaven or personal spiritual growth) Cayce (281-19). 2. any kind of ascent Cayce (900-128). 3. (read all at source)
line, female line, field, field of battle, field of blood, figuration, figure, figured bass, filament, file, filiation, fill, finish, firing line, first line, fix, fleck, fleet, flexibility, flight path, floor, flotilla, flyover, folk, following, forefront, form, form a line, formation, formulate,... (read all at source)
Reciting the formula - ‘Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem' (In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate) in a dream also means living to see one's children and grand children. It also means recovering a lost article. (read all at source)
Despite some people's attempt to explain dreams in one simple formula, dreams cover a huge range of phenomena and human experience. Amongst subjects covered in the book are thousands of entries on the researched meaning of the things, people, creatures and places we dream about. (read all at source)
Rules and formulas to be followed. Are the rules reasonable and accurate or is someone trying to control you? Could it be by your own belief in restrictions? Who is being holier than thou? Rules have their place as in the formula for water; H20 is the rule that is followed to create water. (read all at source)
Various systems were devised to develop a system of analysis and interpretation to reveal the meanings of dreams and skilful lists of the meanings of dreams and dream interpretation were formulated. People wanted to know what their dreams might reveal about their life and their future. (read all at source)
Carl Jung formulated these out of his studies of human beings and mythologies around the world. In many ethnic and religious backgrounds, there are myths that embody the ultimate version of various archetype experiences. An example of a hero myth may be Hercules or Sinbad. (read all at source)
A dream of anything being prepared from a formula is a happy omen in regard to your love and/or sex life.... Continue dream interpretation - Formula"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Forsaking... (read all at source)
It speaks to us of formulating whole concepts, making ideas real and substantial. This line of thought plays into the Mercurial influences on the Virgo signs, who, are also aligned with the element of Earth. The presence of the earthy Virgo lends substance to otherwise mere whispers of the mind. (read all at source)
Whoever loves numbers can go on solve that brain-cracking formula since you can escape it, right? Wrong! Because numbers can still haunt you in your dreams, there is no escape. You just have to deal with it. But do remember that there is something that numbers are telling us. (read all at source)
Perspiration. This dream is reminding you that the formula for success is inspiration plus perspiration, so don't rest on your oars; if you want to enjoy the rewards, you'll have to endure the efforts. (read all at source)
What things do you need to simplify in your life in order to make it work? Are you balancing your life well? This dream also indicates you need to take responsibility for your actions. You have the formula to make your life work. (read all at source)
Notice with what year you make this algebraic operation: the number "9" encourages you to expand your horizons and stop thinking formulaic, but in order to go beyond the scope of limiting you, you need a push. Perhaps it was this year contains important information that can move you off the ground. (read all at source)