To see or use formaldehyde in your dream, refers to something that you are holding to for too long. You need to let go of the past and quit dwelling on old emotions. (read all at source)
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To see or use formaldehyde in your dream, refers to something that you are holding to for too long. You need to let go of the past and quit dwelling on old emotions. (read all at source)
cresol, cyanide, dehydrated alcohol, Demerol, depressant, depressor, Dial, dichromate, dioxide, disulfide, dolly, Dolophine, dope, downer, drink, ester, ethane, ethanol, ether, ethyl, ethyl alcohol, ethylene glycol, fireball, firewater, firing, flammable, flammable material, fluoride, formaldehyde,... (read all at source)