Fork in the Road dream meaning

fork in the road
Time to make a decision about life direction or other choice.
A situation or personality that requires caution because of possible trickery, deceit. (read all at source)

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Fork in the Road
To see a fork in the road in your dream, represents an important decision that you need to make. It may indicate your choices or ambivalence about some situation. Alternatively, a fork symbolizes the union of opposites. Opposing views/aspects are coming together. (read all at source)

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Fork in the road: Sometimes, if you are right handed, taking the left fork can mean a wrong thing, but not always. The left fork can also mean a turn into the hidden or inconscious part of you. Even a parting from accustomed way or relationship. (read all at source)

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Fork in the road: A choice to be made. Going in: The recognition that one is on a journey of sorts.
doctor - Talking or treating you: Check your self, it may be health related. Someone else: May indicate medical need or focus.
door - Choices to be made. Entry into the unknown. (read all at source)

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To dream of a fork in the road is a straightforward sign that you will soon be faced with a decision which will be important to your future. (read all at source)

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forked line/fork in the road
You'll have to make a decision soon. This dream indicates you should choose the simplest route for now.
fortune-teller/fortune-telling... (read all at source)

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Fork in the road: Another sign that you need to make a decision and the choices you have will dictate your direction in life. The decision you face is a difficult one but understand that either path has its rewards. (read all at source)

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If the dreamer goes to a fork in the road and sees a big oak tree this indicates that there is... Continue dream interpretation - Fork (in the road)"continue dream interpretation
Fork (utensil)
Dream interpretation - Fork (utensil)... (read all at source)

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Seeing the letter Y in your dream indicates some decisions that you need to make. It may represent a fork in the road or path you need to choose. The letter Y may also be a pun on "why". You need to start questioning things. (read all at source)

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road prescribed path; knowing where you are going; easy-going; watch for the fork in the road; look where you're going and where you've been; someone going on the road. What road have you recently started on? (read all at source)

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Then there was a fork in the road and we were running too fast to realize that we had started to go down different paths. We could see each other across the grass that separated the paths, but there would soon be trees between us. (read all at source)

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The fork can also symbolize choices or a crossroad, as in a 'fork in the road.' The knife can symbolize ideas that are painful or the cutting away of something. You may have to face the truth or eliminate outworn behavior. (read all at source)

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Decisions and choices, a "fork in the road" in your life.
Category(s): Objects
Using this Dream Dictionary
Tips to Understand Dream Meaning... (read all at source)

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