folder dream symbol
A container or grouping of things (files, pages, ideas, people, projects, etc.)
Organization, being organized, how things are organized
Putting something where it belongs or where you can find it again later... (read all at source)
To see a folder in your dream, suggests that you need to sort out your feelings and re-organize issues in your waking life, especially if you've experienced some hurt or turmoil recently. Consider the contents of the folder for additional clues.
Follow / Followed... (read all at source)
Folder :
A folder symbolizes work that you dislike. (read all at source)
dossier, drone, eagle, echelon, edge, emery, emery board, emery paper, endless belt, endless round, engrave, enroll, enscroll, enter, enumerate, envelope, erase, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, erode, escutcheon, etui, falcon, fess, fess point, field, field army, field train, file folder,... (read all at source)
The end of business if see file folders or Binders - completion of a unsatisfactory business;... (read all at source)
A container or grouping of things (files, pages, ideas, people, projects, etc.)
Organization, being organized, how things are organized
Putting something where it belongs or where you can find it again later
Forming an opinion that compartmentalizes something or someone... (read all at source)
I had a dream we were in my barn with lots of sheep and the doctor was trying to put me under anesthetics and he had me things out of a folder until I was out but just as I was about to go under he ran out of anesthetics and I was awake and he told me I used up one full patch of anesthesia. (read all at source)