Flux dreams by DreamMean
To dream of having flux, or thinking that you are thus afflicted, denotes desperate or fatal illness will overtake you or some member of your family. To see others thus afflicted, implies disappointment in carrying out some enterprise through the neglect of others. Inharmonious states will vex you.
bloody flux, BM, buffalo chips, ca-ca, catharsis, coprolite, coprolith, cow chips, cow flops, cow pats, crap, defecation, dejection, diarrhea, dingleberry, droppings, dung, dysentery, evacuation, feces, feculence, flux, guano, jakes, lientery, loose bowels, manure, movement, night soil, ordure,... (read all at source)
Association: Timelessness; variability; be in flux. Question: Where in my life I am engaged in a continual process of change? (read all at source)
If you dream you are living on a release from someone country - in real life there is a threat to get a runny nose, getting the flu or suffer from flux. If a country house in the dream belongs to you - in reality hear about the successes of their friends, but your will decline. (read all at source)
Timelessness. Mutability. Flux. Part of life constantly shifting.... Continue dream interpretation - Dune"continue dream interpretation
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The moon has long been a feminine symbol and the symbol the certain goddesses, although in some cultures and religions, the moon is masculine. It represents emotional flux, cycles, and may refer to a woman's monthly cycle. (read all at source)
Alder grows in watery environments - symbolic of change, emotion, movement and flux. Alder is also commonly known to produce multiple trunks - many bodies within one body. This is symbolic of garnering strength from more than one foundation in our lives. (read all at source)
In a dream state this excitement may compared to your life. When you dream about a roller coaster, often there is a lot going on and your life is experiencing a time of flux, erratic behaviors, or simply a lot of excitement. Dreams of roller coasters can be both positive and negative. (read all at source)