But when I came into the back part of the store, there were all these sandy pits and trash everywhere, like grates and knocked over wire fences... I had to get to the other side to get back out to the highway. I was going to turn around but there was a stranger at the entrance.. (read all at source)
Fencestop list
May represent your level of self control. Maybe you need more or less of it. Additionally, this dream may express your need for privacy or connote feelings of being trapped. The details of this dream are vital to its interpretation, including your feelings while having the dream. (read all at source)
Fences tend to link with the obstacles in the way of us in real life. Often we will not do something because it feels inappropriate to do so. Other times we wish to break out of such constraints. Think also of the barriers that we are placing in the path of others. (read all at source)
dream interpretation
meaning of dream
May represent your level of self control. Maybe you need more or less of it. Additionally, this dream may express your need for privacy or connote feelings of being trapped. (read all at source)
See also Fences
If you dream of buying an encyclopedia, you could be trying to make an important decision in waking life, possibly regarding business. (read all at source)
As such obstacles come in our dreams are pretty rare, but here's a gate that does not open, huge height fences and other barriers to such dreams often. (read all at source)
cushion, cut and thrust, dam, defend, defense, demibastion, dig in, dike, ditch, dodge, drawbridge, duck, duel, earthwork, embankment, embattle, encircle, enclose, enclosure, ensure, entanglement, entrench, equivocate, escarp, escarpment, evade, evade the issue, exchange blows, feint, fences, fend,... (read all at source)
What if, in your dream, the lion was caged but the cage had three foot fences so the lion kept escaping and brutally chasing you. You then have to hide in a public bathroom in a park with two other random people while the lion circles the bathroom and scratches the walls. (read all at source)
To dream of climbing to the top of a fence, denotes that success will crown your efforts.
To fall from a fence, signifies that you will undertake a project for which you are incapable, and you will see your efforts come to naught. (read all at source)
Eva @ 2011-08-26 08:59:58
I dreamt that I was walking up an icey hill with big metal fences around and it was a clear day but then suddenly it grew dark and I slipped down the icey hill and lightening began to hit the metal fences around me and they were sparking with electricity... (read all at source)
I realised that it was a part of my defences, having kept me safe as a child in a family with secrets, hidden sexual abuse to my sister but unknown to me. Due to that abuse I was verbally and emotionally abused by my elder sister not knowing why. (read all at source)
If you find that you are dreaming of electric fences, this is a sign that you need to strengthen your own personal boundaries before you let someone take completely advantage of you so much that you become destitute. (read all at source)
A German invasion is often a pun on germs invading your body. These dreams normally occur just as your defences are successfully dealing with your condition.
A rib in a dream is usually a pun on something that is upsetting you - something is ribbing you. (read all at source)
Popular Expressions: Mend fences; Sit on the fence; Come off the fence
Possible Meanings:... (read all at source)
To see thorns in your dream, signifies dissatisfaction and evil forces that will work to hinder your advancement to the top. You need to put up your defences. Alternatively, you may be sacrificing your own well-being for others. (read all at source)
A breastplate is a protective piece of armour to cover the heart. As such, in a dream it is symbolic of a need to protect ourselves from having our heart damaged by another. This may be a message to either let our defences down or keep them up depending on who the dream is referring to. (read all at source)
If one is sick, it means that he will recover from his illness. If he sees that his father is given a dwelling with high fences, it means that he will continue his father's work and manage what he has left for him in this world. (Also see Governor). (read all at source)
Fences may be symbols of personal separation in a negative sense, or protection in a positive one. These meanings are often derived from specifically who the fence is separating us from. (read all at source)