faucet dream symbol
Flow, such as of time or of a process
Control of flow, including stopping, starting, or regulating how fast something is allowed to proceed
The idea of abundance or an endless supply
The idea of ready availability or convenience... (read all at source)
To see a faucet in your dream, indicates sadness and depression. To see a leaky faucet in your dream, represents sexual issues and problems.
To dream that you ask favours of anyone, signifies that you will enjoy abundance. To dream that you grant favours, signifies a loss. (read all at source)
Faucet (tap). A dripping faucet is a strong warning to resist the efforts of someone who is trying to persuade you to divulge a secret. (read all at source)
One exception to the generalities listed above is water faucets. In a dream, it is important to recognize if the dreamer or another is controlling the faucet and whether this is done to effect the comfort or discomfort of the dreamer. (read all at source)
Flow, such as of time or of a process
Control of flow, including stopping, starting, or regulating how fast something is allowed to proceed
The idea of abundance or an endless supply
The idea of ready availability or convenience... (read all at source)
To dream about a faucet suggests how you attempt to rein in your feelings and the ones that you feel are appropriate to show. This dream can also indicate melancholy and being upset.
To dream of a leaky faucet signifies concerns or issues you might have of a sexual nature. (read all at source)
This fixture allows you to turn the flow of water - which relates to emotion - on and off. To dream of a faucet suggests that you are exploring how to turn emotions either on or off. (read all at source)
faucet: The control of emotions by turning them on or off.
fear: How much does it run you? How much control of your emotions do you have? What are you afraid of? What runs you? Sometime fear can represent unexpressed love. (read all at source)
Dripping faucet (tub or sink) symbolic of disagreements and arguments, Prov.19:13
Driving-a fast driver is a person who is in a hurry in life. If the driver is reckless it symbolizes carelessness in life
Dross-wicked people, Prov. 25:4... (read all at source)
Faucet broken fixing dream interpretations
Show All or Refine: by Religion - Christian, Islam, Hindu; by Author - Christian, Islam, Hindu... (read all at source)
When I would turn of the faucet it would bubble back up from the drain stopper or leak from the pipes below. if I would try to clean up pools of blood on the floor more would collect in puddles. I am 27 years old and have never had such dreams. (read all at source)
Control or release of emotions. Feelings being turn off and on.
Fax... (read all at source)
To see a faucet in your dream, signifies how you control your emotions and which ones you allow to be expressed. It may also be indicative of sadness and depression.
To see a leaky faucet in your dream, represents sexual issues and problems. (read all at source)
cure, Water deck, water deer, Water deerlet, water development, Water devil, water diabetes, Water dock, Water doctor, water dog, water down, water dragon, Water drain, Water drainage, Water dressing, water dropwort, Water eagle, Water elder, Water elephant, water elm, Water engine, water faucet,... (read all at source)
faucet going with the flow; turning the flow on and off; a fan of Farrah. (See tap) Who's the annoying drip in your life?
fawn innocent and helpless; cringing and bowing down to someone. Who do you call 'dear'? (read all at source)
A dream about a faucet represents how you control your emotions and which ones you allow yourself to express. A shiny new faucet is an omen of unexpected satisfaction, while an old or rusty faucet can indicate feelings of sadness and depression. (read all at source)