If you dream that you faint, you need to change your lifestyle or you will put your health at risk.
Fair... (read all at source)
fainting dream symbol
Dreaming that you lose consciousness can signify extreme fear, trauma, or other emotion, or it can mean there's something you're unwilling to see, admit, or cope with. (read all at source)
To dream that you are fainting indicates your difficulty in dealing with subconscious concerns or emotions. You need to be open to them more than you are.
To dream about a family member fainting suggests that you will bear witness to some imprudent behavior from that family member. (read all at source)
To dream that you are fainting, suggests your inability to confront some unconscious issue or feelings. You need to be more aware and acknowledge of those feelings. To see a family member faint in your dream, signifies that you will hear some indiscreet activities from that person. (read all at source)
DizzyIf you dream you are dizzy or faint, it could mean that you are involved in a situation or relationship in which you fear failing. You may also feel overwhelmed, that things are moving too fast, and are out of control. (read all at source)
Dreaming that you lose consciousness can signify extreme fear, trauma, or other emotion, or it can mean there's something you're unwilling to see, admit, or cope with.
See also: unconscious you falling tired... (read all at source)
Dream Dictionary
To dream of fainting, signifies illness in your family and unpleasant news of the absent. (read all at source)
Fainting is not associated with fear.
Seen yourself fainting.
Fainting people in dreams.
Detailed dream interpretation. (read all at source)
A dream where you faint suggests that there is something in your waking life that you are avoiding or not willing to face up to or deal with. This could ..Read more →
FAIR / FAIRGROUND ... (read all at source)
I feel a faint paint in my abdomen, and lift up my shirt a bit.
That is when i see a flap of skin on my abdomen "peeled back". I freak out. I notice no one is around, and i reach for masking tape, and tape it shut. No pain. Then i realize it has slipped off again. The wound looks worse after this. (read all at source)
To dream of fainting, signifies illness in your family and unpleasant news of the absent.
If a young woman dreams of fainting, it denotes that she will fall into ill health and experience disappointment from her careless way of living. (read all at source)
To dream of fainting, signifies illness in your family and unpleasant news of the absent.
Fainting... (read all at source)
Faintingtop list
Dreams that we remember are those that have penetrated through our ego defenses and their messages have began to come into our conscious awareness. Often, we do not have a full understanding of the meaning of a particular dream. Awareness is a long and continual process. (read all at source)
Faint :
If you faint you have to change your behavior. (read all at source)
entertaining, epidermal, eternity, ethereal, euhemerism, evanescent, evidence, evolve, exegesis, exemplification, explain, explanation, explication, expose, exposed, exposition, exposure meter, expounding, express train, eye, facet, facile, facts, factual information, faddish, faded, faint, fair,... (read all at source)
His aura seemed to glow a soft white hue faintly tinted by all the colours. I don't remember what he was saying to me but I was asking if he was God. I remember only him smiling and then a white Horse sliding its face up beside mine. It was soft and he was very sweet. (read all at source)
Wax-symbolic of a faint heart, Ps 22:14
Wedding-a symbol of new beginnings, joy, and happiness, Matt. 25:10
Wedding cake-symbolic of matrimony and unending love... (read all at source)
Mayans drew a very faint line between our concept of good and evil. Meaning, good and evil was seen in totality rather than marked separation. As such, the bat was worshipped for both its dark and light qualities. Pictured here is the Central American Long-Nosed Bat. (read all at source)
A lady in her own house hears a voice singing. It is the voice of a friend now in a convent, and she faints, because she is sure it is the voice of the dead. At the same moment that friend does really die, twenty miles away from her. (read all at source)
"As when a hungry man dreams he is eating and awakes with his hunger not satisfied, or as when a thirsty man dreams he is drinking and awakes faint, with his thirst not quenched, so shall the multitude of all the nations be that fight against Mount Zion."
Isaiah 29:7... (read all at source)
The "dagger" I understood to be my inveterate intellectualist habit of stabbing my friends, colleagues and fellow-technicians by the "faint praise and civil leer" method. (read all at source)
my living room and every time I passed the hallway I would see a dark image but each time I passed I started to realize that it was a dark angel and its wings would get bigger and bigger each time I passed. the bigger its wings got, I would start to see a dull light in its middle but it was faint... (read all at source)
Fainting dream to bad news. If a young woman dreams that she fainted, she should stop being coy that careless. Otherwise ahead of her Disappointing.
East Women's Dream Book... (read all at source)
Dream interpretation - Fainting
In a dream shows you are performing such activities or engaging in a lifestyle that is ruinous to your health. It... Continue dream interpretation - Fainting"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Fair... (read all at source)
school and all my friends were there and suddenly I'm alone and I run to the hall and go down under stage where there are these two pale vampires, they are both male one with dark red hair (who is smiling at me) and one with white hair (who bites me on my neck) then I wake up and I feel faint and... (read all at source)