Extraction dream meaning

The extraction of the parasite is related to you being in the right place in your life to allow for your mental capabilities and your physical body to be healed. (read all at source)

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An extraction of a tooth or of a splinter in a dream can symbolize physical pain in waking life.
Eyelids ... (read all at source)

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Eagle - the extraction. Kind of a two-headed creature - which means that you will live peacefully with the spouse, to reign in his family on an equal.
Kopalinskogo Dream Book
Eagle - a loss, a waste of money. (read all at source)

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enucleate, epigrammatic, epitomize, equal share, eradicate, erase, escape, etching, ethereal, etherealize, exacerbated, excavation, except, excise, exclude, excommunicate, excruciate, excused absence, exile, expand, expatriate, expel, expunge, expurgate, extent, extinguish, extirpate, extraction,... (read all at source)

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Abortion - A blockage or aborting new directions or opportunities in your life. Expulsion or extraction of certain aspects about yourself.
Above - The intellect, thinking aspect. Maybe you need to lift your sights, embrace a new goal. New attitudes, tap into your 'higher' creative self. (read all at source)

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After I extracted the tooth, I felt the similar sore sensation after tooth extraction. I was a little dazed at the tooth in my hand and from the edge of my eye, I could see the guy seating next to me bending forward in concern. Before I could decide what to do next, the alarm rang and I woke up. (read all at source)

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