Kari Hohne is an Expert Dream Analyst and uses dreamwork to coach others to move beyond their limitations. Contact her to discuss her 3 weeks online class that will teach you how to use your dreams to gain personal guidance.
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Peregrin Walker
Most dreams contain a message that you are trying to send to yourself. I can often help translate these hidden messages.
Experience... (read all at source)
Dreams will link to any situation or any emotion that we can connect in any way with a symbol. Use the key words below to help you remember key feelings from yesterday. Think also of your general moods and your thoughts about relationships. (read all at source)
expert feelings of inferiority; needing to take more schooling or training; being the best you can be; calling in the experts for help. Who's the know-it-all? (read all at source)
Expert - a teacher of true knowledge; your higher self.
Exterior - May symbolize your persona, the self-iamge you present to the world.
Eye(s) - the way you see things; wisdom, knowledge; your true self (as in the eye of God); if eyes are open, seeing with clarity. (read all at source)
Experts say one of the most alluring sleep distractions in the modern-day is the 24-hour accessibility of the internet.
Studies show that when people wind their clocks back one hour for the initiation of daylight saving results in fewer road accidents. (read all at source)
Dream experts denote that men who appear in the dreams of women have an erotic significance in most of cases. (read all at source)
I'm no expert on these things, I've just witnessed my own crazy dreams materialize beyond what could be coincidental.. But that has made me a believer that dreams are important if nothing else..
And what I want to know is 1. How have others overcome and moved on from these dreams and 2. (read all at source)
Ask Our Experts
Constant Dreams of Adultery: What Does this Mean?
What do Dreams About People Dying in Water Mean?
What Triggers Dreams About Being Attacked?
Why Would My Girlfriend Dream of Her Ex? (read all at source)
Knowledge. Expert. A need for understanding.... Continue dream interpretation - Scientist"continue dream interpretation
Dream interpretation - Scissors... (read all at source)
Knowledge. Expert. A need for understanding.
Open and close. Sharpness. What part of your past do you want to open and then cut? (read all at source)
The Hopi are expert craftspeople, and possess uncommon agricultural skills. (read all at source)
Consult an expert. If you're still not coming up with a clear meaning for your dream, you might want to contact a dream expert to help you with the analysis process.
More About Dreams and Dreamwork
Exploring Your Dreams
Lucid Dreaming... (read all at source)
According to Expert pages.com, "These recurrent images of the trauma intrude upon the victim's sleep in the form of disturbing dreams and nightmares. (read all at source)
Black belt-an expert in spiritual warfare
Black cat-a black cat can symbolize evil or bad luck for many non-Christians and is a common dream symbol in many nightmares
Black horse-symbolic of famine, Rev. 6:5
Black sheep-an outcast or misfit... (read all at source)
(Arrogance) In a dream, an elephant represents a respected and feared enemy who is dull-witted, who carries heavy burdens or responsibilities and who is expert in war tactics. An elephant in a dream also signifies arrogance. (read all at source)
dangler, defender, delta, dependence, dependent, deploy, devotee, dilettante, disciple, disperse, draw a blank, driver, drop a bomb, drop the ball, electric fan, encomiast, encourager, endorser, energumen, enkindle, enrage, enthusiast, eulogist, eulogizer, excite, exhaust fan, expand, expert,... (read all at source)
Just because someone can remember lines in front of a camera, belt out a tune in time or expertly handle a ball, they are automatically desirable. Who is the celebrity in your dream, and what does he or she represent to you, ie. physical prowess, mental skill or sexuality? (read all at source)
Lucid dreaming experts have found that if you can gather your strength and remain in your dream, you can gain control of the outcome. In your case, you should keep in mind that you are a sleepwalker with anything you create. (read all at source)
A real-life environment with a characteristic of a library, such as quiet environment, authority figures or experts (represented by librarians), people who want to learn or study, books or information, etc. (read all at source)
No one is a better expert at interpreting your dreams than yourself. To guide you with your interpretation, we have interpreted over 3500 keywords and symbols in our ever expanding dream dictionary. (read all at source)
As spiders weave intricate webs to catch unsuspecting prey, dreaming about spiders can indicate that the dreamer is being manipulated or is manipulating a situation or person herself, according to Cynthia Richmond, a behavioral therapist and dream expert who has appeared on Oprah. (read all at source)
Hi Leon, I am not a dream expert by any means, which is why I encourage people to buy the book I based this hub on. All I can do is give you individual meanings for "Blood", "Horses" and "Beatings", if they are in the book. (read all at source)
beautiful, expertly done hair style, which all come from the indescribable delight, - the dream portends great satisfaction and joy that can be delivered to people close. (read all at source)
To dream that you are in a dining room indicates that you have a thirst for expertise and comprehension. This could be a significant choice in your life. (read all at source)
Lacking emotions, or diminished mental and emotional capacity
Cold or impersonal
Adept in a certain environment or a particular pursuit, as in a fish's expert ability to "breathe" and swim in water
Dreaming of this animal can represent:... (read all at source)
I suggest you comprehend that any kind of handicap in from the person they say they're from. hostgator This Cracking demand by large numbers racket of multitude for owning a bit of quad in net, cognisant of the expert and non technical requirements of your website and what it should contain.
Reply... (read all at source)
An authrotiy figure; possibly a wisdom archetype (the Wise Old Man), depending on the doctor's appearance or behavior. Is there an incident in your waking life that has triggered feelings about authority?
Is the doctor a disguise for an expert in another field from your waking life? (read all at source)
Each symbol represents a feeling, a mood, a memory or something from your unconscious. In analyzing your dreams, you can learn about your feelings and eventually be prepared for what is going to happen. Remember that no one is a better expert at interpreting your dreams than yourself. (read all at source)
The face cards rule people whose personalities are based on the nature of the suit they represent.
3. If the dream is of a Tarot card, or a group of them, the meaning of the card has a strong bearing on the meaning of the dream. Consult our Tarot experts for details. (read all at source)