Exchange dreams by DreamMean
Exchange, denotes profitable dealings in all classes of business. For a young woman to dream that she is exchanging sweethearts with her friend, indicates that she will do well to heed this as advice, as she would be happier with another.
This could point to an actual recent purchase or something you'd like to purchase, or it could represent the exchange of support or encouragement within a friendship, or it could represent a situation where work or effort is exchanged for something of value (money, thanks, praise, etc.). (read all at source)
Money exchanger
Arabian, Islam M. Ibn Siren
In a dream, a money exchanger represents knowledge, poetry, speaking the right words, richness after poverty, a school, the fellowship of a wise man, or a scale. (read all at source)
To dream of an exchange of any sorts, signifies a profitable gain and is seen as favourable.
*See Faeces. (read all at source)
Money represents exchange of value.
How the money is being used in the dream will indicate what is being valued. (read all at source)
Historically, there is an exchange (recompense) for such services. If we have not worked out a fair barter for services, I ask a fair price according to the time I've invested to your needs.
Purchase your symbolic reading here:... (read all at source)
Exchange :
To exchange something symbolizes economical profit. To exchange your lover mean that you will be happier with another. (read all at source)
To dream of exchanging one thing for another indicates a recent change in your way of thinking or even your style - the way you present yourself to others. What is it you're exchanging? Notice the people around you in the dream and how they act toward you.
excrement... (read all at source)
Securities an Exchange Commission, securities analyst, Securities and Exchange Commission, securities firm, securities industry, securities law, securities market, Security Administrator's Integrated Network Tool, Security Association, Security Association ID, security blanket, security consultant,... (read all at source)
This dream indicates a unity of exchange between two people. Teapots in your dream show that your emotions are going to be tested. The dream could display serving tea from the teapot, as well as drinking tea with visitors and sharing news since you last saw them. (read all at source)
In a cityscape, you are exploring social exchanges or changes in work. Often you will explore half built structures with unusual construction as the setting personifies ideas within that are being renovated and redefined. (read all at source)
Giving and receive gifts is usually a pleasant occasion and both parties benefit from the exchange. Dreaming about gift giving may be a reflection on positive exchanges that are occurring in your daily life. Some say that to give and to receive is the same things. (read all at source)
Money symbolizes exchange value and worth. Things of value would be a new talent you weren't aware you had, a new quality or gift within you. It could also represent a new vision or new understanding of something. (read all at source)
Whenever we 'love' another, we put down roots into that other person and a mutual exchange occurs. This occurs because we are often totally unaware of the experience we take in and how it interacts with us when we love someone. (read all at source)
You adopt a new identity which you think will fetch someone over to your side, someone you can talk with, exchange your life stories and possibly more. Dreaming of being in a bar means you are in search of someone, whether a life-long partner, or someone fleeting. (read all at source)
On the other hand, sometimes people respond instantly, the second the practitioner holds their hands up. The very act of assessing the body results in a dramatic energy exchange and before anyone can blink, the healing has already occurred. (read all at source)
stock exchange trading of train stocks Cayce (294-39, A-1; 900-128, A-3). 5. the necessity to get moving, to grow to change Cayce (900-110, A-4). Trash disorder and laxness in the life Cayce (262-8). Travel 1. changes that will come Cayce (136-41). 2. (read all at source)
In general:
Exchange speculation may warn, may lead to losses, it is often observed in addition to the symbolic value of the shares. (read all at source)
It heralds the decline in trade, an unsuccessful play on the exchange, failure in business. It also indicates that your current passionate lover will soon grow cold to you and leave you. Seafarers this dream face disaster at sea. (read all at source)
See also related symbols: Afraid, Visit, Cut, Spirit or Specter, Linseed Oil, Castor Oil, Baby Carriages, Riding School, Surgical Instruments, Hyacinth, Shrew, Clock, Chalice, Clarionet, Confectionary, Revolver, Waiter, December, Morgue, Riot, Ramrod, Exchange, Usurer, Snuff, Hissing, Slighted,... (read all at source)
The idea so possessed my mind that a thrill of fear ran through me, and I wished to exchange the ghastly image of my fancy for the realities around....I could not so easily get rid of my hideous phantom; still it haunted me. I must try to think of something else. (read all at source)
market selling your skills and talents to a new buyer; looking for a different place or type of employment; in the market for something; speculating on the stock exchange; reconsider the market value. What does your dream have to say about employment for you? (read all at source)
In my dream, it was almost as if he was a foreign exchange student. Oddly, he stayed in our barn and almost never left.(However, my family's house/property looked a bit different). He was some kind of Latin American (and looked like Enrique Iglesias but with shorter hair, haha). (read all at source)
Another scenario for loss of a sensory ability is to exchange it for something or someone else. The old saying, "I'd give my eye teeth for..." articulates the human willingness to exchange one ability or attribute for something else of value. (read all at source)